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Hey there! I have a small question about intended use/behavior: Should libraries declare [:paths ["src"]] in their deps.edn when they use the default? If my deps.edn includes a top-level [:paths ["bogus/sources"]] entry, and I bring a lib in via :git/url that does not declare :paths in its own deps.edn, its :paths-derived classpath entry becomes ~/.gitlibs/libs/$GROUP_ID/$ARTIFACT_ID/$SHA/bogus/sources, which doesn't exist. For example:

clj -Srepro -Sdeps '{:paths ["bogus/sources"] :deps {com.bhauman/figwheel-core {:git/url "" :sha "840f05547935f65a28c5a3c640a9473961da5636"}}}' -Spath | tr : '\n' | grep figwheel
# => /home/phil/.gitlibs/libs/com.bhauman/figwheel-core/840f05547935f65a28c5a3c640a9473961da5636/bogus/sources


Or is this something tools.deps could/should do (would it be safe to assume we all use the same /usr/local/lib/clojure/deps.edn)?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:57

Where the current project paths are used with dependency projects on the file system


ah ty, missed it the first time through. It has the same repro!