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Thx @alexmiller. While I’m at it, we’ve been bitten by (deps transitivity issue involving :local/root). Currently the scenario whereby project foo depends on module a of project bar using bar {:git/url "" :deps/root "a"} and bar.a depends on siblings module bar.b using {b {:local/root "b"}} doesn’t work. @matthias.margush has put together a patch which solves the issue (more info on the ticket), if you have some time to look at it that would be great. We’re not far from being able to switch over to tools.deps for several multi-modules projects.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)11:01:52

yeah, there are several issues with the path stuff and I don’t think the change there is sufficient to handle the real scope of the issues


That makes sense - it did seem like the way coordinate specifiers interact could use some hammock time overall.


What are the other jiras that relate?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:04

some of those intersect with other problem areas (config file management)


Hi Alex. Reading through these in more detail, it looks fixes could potentially be bundled together with a fix for TDEPS-74... they are closely related, right? If it would be helpful at all, I'd be willing to take a look at these in context of the patch I started for TDEPS-74.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:30

I’d say it’s unlikely I’m going to look at this set of things this week


Oh yeah, not expected. Just want to get it on the radar. tools.deps really opens up the ways that we can organize work across teams, and thanks for the work you all are doing on it.


One thing I noticed personally was that transport, location and manifest type are different things that relate and interact, but don’t map conceptually one to one to how extensions are dispatched.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:01:54

transport and location aren’t uniform dimensions for procurers

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:01:12

manifest types are something that extensions dispatch on


Are procurers things like maven, local, and git (and not pom, deps)?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:01:27

Yeah - there are two layers of multimethods


I think possibly related to your comment about uniformity of dimensions - a capability I’d like to be able to support for our engineers is to checkout a git/deps dependency locally while working on a cross cutting feature. External tooling could support this well enough for example by transforming a git coordinate to a local one in the local work area. But the differences in the set (& maybe the semantics) of dimensions make the creation of tooling more bespoke than needed. I think specifically in this use case it would help for the :deps/root to work the same between git coordinates and local coordinates. (Unless that’s already the case and I misread the code.) So such a tool needs to know the dimensions available and how they are used for each kind of coord.


@alexmiller i’m interested in learning more about how to download jars without using maven/ivy - do you know of anything that talks about how that works?


@duncanmak If you know the URL of the JAR in the repository, you can just download it via any means -- such as curl at the command line, or programmatically using URI and byte input streams etc.


(unless the repo is secured and then you'll need to factor in auth credentials)