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I'm having trouble configuring an S3 private repo. To debug I've set -Srepro so that mavencentral & clojars are not seen by t.d.a, and I've set :mvn/repos
to my own. For some reason I still get the error: cannot fetch the $dep from "central"
never mind -- it's a bad error message. when all of the configured repos fail, it throws with one of them.
Two other misc issues: cannot use override-deps to override from a git/sha to a local/root :mvn/repos doesn't work transitively when pointing to a :local/root
-Srepro does actually include the install deps.edn btw
at the moment that is
re “cannot use override-deps to override from a git/sha to a local/root” - with same lib name? prob worth a ticket if so
re “:mvn/repos doesn’t work transitively when pointing to a :local/root” - I don’t understand what that means
ok. that’s related to some of the other local dep issues that are already logged
@robert-stuttaford re twitter convo… current hack is:
{:deps {com.datomic/ {:local/root "/path/to/datomic-pro-whatev.jar"}
com.datomic/ {:local/root "/path/to/dir-with-datomic-pom"}}
where the first pulls the jar and second treats the directory holding the pom file (which has to be named “pom.xml” as a local project to pick up the transitive deps)
that’s the hack
however, I just landed a commit to make local jar deps use their embedded pom file to handle this without the hack
will be in the next release
(I don't think the transitive :mvn/repo thing should be supported, fwiw. Just logging the papercut)
well then don’t log it :)
I’m kind of on the fence though - the equivalent will work if you’re using maven deps I think
@ghadi is maybe sufficient for that