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Isn't using two different libnames for (`io.github.clojure/` and org.clojure/ ) an anti-pattern? If two libraries use two different lib names for the same library you might end up with the same library multiple times on the classpath and you wouldn't get the newest version of


Haven't looked but... do they normalize to the same library group/artifact internally?


Technically I think they might be considered duplicate keys, ya?


I'm not aware of how io.github.clojure and org.clojure are resolved to the same thing

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:02:35

Sorry, I missed this thread earlier. You are correct, they are same nses under different coords

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:02:09

Unfortunately, not easy to reconcile

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:02:26

In Maven, we only have rights to that group. In git, if we change that one, you’ll need the url to resolve. I’ll think about it


@U064X3EF3 I guess one option would be to use org.clojure/ for the git dep as well

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:02:47

it is, but would not then get auto git/url resolution (and it conflicts with what we started with)


This is one reason I've not used the auto git/url resolution for projects I intended to publish to clojars


no that's incorrect, clojars also supports io.github.borkdude


but it's one reason I haven't started adopting it for some projects. There was a time where people had both borkdude/sci and org.babashka/sci on their classpath and I used to send PRs to migrate most of those

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:02:55

maven central does have a bunch of io.github projects (that's where we got this from originally), maybe I can just through the hoops to publish there

Alex Miller (Clojure team)00:02:16

I've now authenticated io.github.clojure for our use as a groupId, working towards moving the maven artifact over there

🎉 2

I'm risking sounding a bit like I'm wearing a tin foil hat but I personally would try and avoid coupling my artifact names to a giant corporation I don't have control over