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Hello. I have switched from leiningen to recently. My app uses the h2 database. When I compile an Uber jar using several classes are missing from the H2 package which were there with leiningen. H2 uses a lot of reflection so I'm not sure how to teach the compile-clj/`uber` functions to pick up on these classes. Code here: missing classes error message can be produced by running make native.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:08:33

are you missing compiled clj files or classes from the h2 jar?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:08:33

if the latter, uber is (mostly) just exploding all of your dep jars and merging back together, so I would not expect things to be missing


Thank you for that clarification. Maybe I did miss something, I'll check. I'm grateful to know how the Uber function works and that it's just taking jars and consolidating them together, I was wondering about that.