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Eric Dvorsak14:11:39

Interesting today I noticed that I get objects in the js logs from timbre while I would normally have some clojurescript could it be a change due to this commit?

Eric Dvorsak14:11:35

I can confirm that after going back to 3.1.0 I get:

INFO [] -  :loading-content-header [:course/id 13]
again, while with the latest version of Timbre it's something like

Eric Dvorsak14:11:45

INFO [] -  Object Object

Peter Taoussanis09:11:53

Hi Eric, apologies for the delay replying - I rarely have the opportunity to get on Slack. Would you please create an on Timbre's GitHub page? Unless you're enabling the :raw-console? option (as described in the linked appender's docstring), there's no immediately obvious reason why you'd be seeing this changed behaviour. If you do create an issue, please try provide as much context as possible - incl. what version of Timbre you're using, what it is you're actually logging, and if you're using any middleware. Thanks!