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Hello, what is happening here?

Warnings in Library Code:
 taoensso.encore/compile-ns-filter is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/rate-limiter* is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/rate-limiter* is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/rate-limiter* is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/distinctv is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/-swap-val! is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/sub-indexes is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/sub-indexes is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/sentinel? is deprecated
 taoensso.encore/singleton? is deprecated

Peter Taoussanis09:10:43

Hi there, this just means you’re likely running an outdated version of Timbre. There’s no danger (these are just warnings about some deprecated code being used), but you might want to update to remove the warnings.

Peter Taoussanis07:10:23

@U03K8V573EC Can you please share more details re: your tooling and what specifically you’re doing that triggers the warning? Someone else recently reported warnings coming from Shadow-CLJS. My initial impression is that it seems like a tooling bug if warnings are being triggered for deprecated vars using deprecated vars - but it’d be helpful to better understand the context.

Eric Dvorsak07:10:05

Yes it’s the same issue, also using shadow here

Peter Taoussanis13:10:43

Thanks for the update, and for creating the upstream issue 👍