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what’s the best way to test multiple assertions from defined variables? ex. i have this but feel there must be a more idiomatic way:

(def pangrams
  ["the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
   "My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit!"
   "J.Q. Schwartz flung V.D. Pike my box"])

(def not-pangrams
  ["Sadly, I am not a pangram :("])

(deftest pangram-1-test
  (testing "is the given string a pangram according to pangram-1 fn?"
    (dorun (map #(is (= true (pangram-1? %))) pangrams))
    (dorun (map #(is (= false (pangram-1? %))) not-pangrams))))


That looks alright to me! It's possible to change (dorun (map with doseq. Adding messages to the assertions can also be useful to distinguish them while inspecting the test results:

(testing "is the given string a pangram according to pangram-1 fn?"
  (doseq [pangram pangrams]
    (is (true? (pangram-1? pangram)) "for known valid pangrams"))
  (doseq [pangram not-pangrams]
    (is (false? (pangram-1? pangram) "for known invalid pangrams"))))


That looks alright to me! It's possible to change (dorun (map with doseq. Adding messages to the assertions can also be useful to distinguish them while inspecting the test results:

(testing "is the given string a pangram according to pangram-1 fn?"
  (doseq [pangram pangrams]
    (is (true? (pangram-1? pangram)) "for known valid pangrams"))
  (doseq [pangram not-pangrams]
    (is (false? (pangram-1? pangram) "for known invalid pangrams"))))