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Brian Beckman14:10:39

SOLVED Hello, test.checkers. I am trying to understand the docs & source for test.check.generators.size-bounded.bigint . It, and several of its sibling generators, mention a size parameter, but I don’t see where it’s defined, how I can inspect its value, how I can input new values for it, etc. Example from the source:

   (def ^{:added "0.10.0"} size-bounded-bigint
     ;; 2^(6*size) was chosen so that with size=200 the generator could
     ;; generate values larger than Double/MAX_VALUE
     "Generates an integer (long or bigint) bounded exclusively by ±2^(6*size)."
     (fmap (fn [[n negate? force-bigint?]]
             (cond-> n
               negate? -'
               ;; adds some exciting variety
               force-bigint? bigint))
           (tuple size-bounded-bignat