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@borkdude Here is the gist that implements hiccup compiler to jst templates. I dropped cljs.analyzer and mostly followed hicada implementation. There is one big difference into how it treats properties (string instead of keywords). Also, I made form expansion recursive, so nested let/ifs/etc. work. Not sure why hicada skipped that. There are a few "rcf" tests within, make sure to have it as dependency if you want to run code. (starting a new thread as we discussed as the old one is pretty long now) Example:
(macroexpand '(jst cherry.core/js-template lit/html
[[:h2 "ToDo List"]
[:ul {:style {"margin" "10px"}
"class" "todos"}
(todo-render (if hideCompleted
(filter (fn [item]
(false? (:completed item)))
[:input {"id" "newItem"
"aria-label" "New Item"}]
[:button {:on-click (.-add-todo this)} "Add ToDo"]
[:input {"type" "checkbox"
:on-change (.-toggle-completed-todos this)}
"Hide Completed"]]]))
"<h2>ToDo List</h2><ul style=\"margin:10px;\" class=\"todos\">"
(todo-render (if hideCompleted (filter (fn [item] (false? (:completed item))) listItems) listItems))
"</ul><input id=\"newItem\" aria-label=\"New Item\"></input><button @click="
(.-add-todo this)
">Add ToDo</button><label><input type=\"checkbox\" @change="
(.-toggle-completed-todos this)
">Hide Completed</input></label>")
I want to build a macro around hiccup for lit components. I have something working but there are still too many use cases to support. Need to work on it (much) more 🙂