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Prabhjot Singh06:08:03

In Javascript there is a concept of ArrayLike

Array.from({"0": "a", "1": "b"})
// []

Array.from({"0": "a", "1": "b", "length": 2})
// ['a', 'b']

Prabhjot Singh06:08:04

Is that something which makes sense for clava

Prabhjot Singh06:08:49

I mean, do we want to recognise array like instead of treating them as maps

Prabhjot Singh07:08:28

It was useful for things like document.getElementsByTagName("li") and arguments inside a function. But now a days they all support Symbol.iterator so they are not a problem.


Can you give an example of what currently doesn't work in Clava?

Prabhjot Singh08:08:44

for example

(vec {"0" 1 "length" 1})
=> [["0 1] ["length" 1]]

(js/Array.from {"0" 1 "length" 1})
=> [1]

Prabhjot Singh08:08:42

clava handles js objects as maps so the above is as expected. I am only asking whether it would make sense to treat ArrayLike as iterable. The workaround is also very simple. Just use Array.from


What makes something an ArrayLike? The presence of the "length" field?

Prabhjot Singh09:08:14

yes, and numbers as keys


is there a way to distinguish array-like objects from other objects via a JS API?

Prabhjot Singh09:08:30

I beleive there is no official spec of ArrayLike. In the past there were certain objects which are not exactly array but have arraylike properties. For example HTMLCollection . It has a length property but it is not an array. But now I noticed that it has [Symbol.iterator] on it so it still works with clava as expected.


hm ok. if there is not a clean API for detecting Array-like I prefer to handle it manually else it would be a performance cost to inspect all the keys, etc

Prabhjot Singh09:08:38

yes I agree. Also Array.from handles it so it is fine.

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