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Hi, is it possible to connect to Postgres via a unix domain socket with next.jdbc? I'm coming from Python and this is how I tend to do local development so I don't need a password. I'm trying jdbc:postgresql:///var/run/postgresql/mydb and getting Unable to parse URL . Tried the variants postgresql:///mydb?host=/var/run/postgresql as mentioned in but got protocol = socket host = null. Or are sockets not really used in Java? I saw a blog posts mentioning that they'd been added in Java 16, but surely that couldn't be true?


Sockets are not used much for database connections in the Java (JDBC) world. For local development, you might want to look at embedded PostgreSQL -- unless you specifically need the database to persist on the file system?


The next.jdbc tests use embedded PG -- you can see the dependencies for it in deps.edn and an example of starting it up in the test fixtures.


Thanks very much @U04V70XH6 - appreciate your help! I'll have to check out embedded PG too, sounds useful


Hmm, I see the PostgreSQL JDBC docs mention that an external library is required to use sockets: Does anyone know if Java 16 has changed that?


You'd have to check the release notes for the JDBC driver to see if it supports sockets on recent JDKs but I very much doubt it will -- the PG JDBC team are a bit resistant to change (they still haven't fixed the exception hierarchy, so they're years behind some other JDBC drivers). You could always try adding that com.kohlschutter.junixsocket/junixsocket-core library and using the JDBC URL parameters they show (not sure if you'll be able to use the :dbtype hash map approach for that -- which I'd normally recommend -- or whether you'll have to construct the JDBC URL yourself).

Hanan Benzion13:02:19

Hi, Few questions regarding SQLite in Clojure with next.jdbc. Use case: I'm using an SQLite Database in my Clojure app by connecting to the database in my app using (def ds (jdbc/get-datasource db)) . Execution of queries to the Database taking too long (> 1 millisecond) where this is the case even if the same query is executed over and over. I would assume that the relevant page would be in my in-memory cache, no? Trying to debug this issue I ran some PRAGMA queries to my Database: 1. Getting cache hits by running (jdbc/execute-one! db ["PRAGMA page_cache_hits"]) 2. Getting cache misses by running (jdbc/execute-one! db ["PRAGMA page_cache_misses"]) 3. Getting the number of pages written in the cache by running (jdbc/execute-one! db ["PRAGMA page_cache_write"]) Even after running the same query using (jdbc/execute-one! ds [(str "SELECT * FROM " table-name " WHERE " (str keyword) " = ?") value]) The results for 1-3 remain 0 !!! running the command (jdbc/execute-one! db ["PRAGMA cache_size"]) return -2000that is the default value. From what I understand the configuration for the SQLite DB is fine (didn't change anything), so I don't really understand why data is not being saved on the in-memory cache. Help will be very appreciated 🙏 Thanks


It probably isn't the execution of queries that is taking that time, it's the creation of a JDBC Connection from the DataSource. If you are just playing around, you could do (def conn (jdbc/get-connection ds)) after your ds definition and then pass conn to execute! etc instead of ds.

Hanan Benzion19:02:37

Thanks, @U04V70XH6. This solution made two queries from using ds with more than 1 milliseconds to the same queries using conn to take about 719 microseconds. Thanks!! What do you mean by “If you just playing around”? I want to use SQLite as an in-memory data store (read-only with periodic updates from a side process). Another thing, trying to find my way around this I encountered another performance solution to copy my SQLite database I have in a file to a db-spec with {:dbtype "sqlite" :dbname ":memory:"} and to work with that db-spec. I guess my question is also what is the best I can get from SQLite as an in-memory data store where my database is not very big (currently less than 1 MB and won’t be much bigger)?


Playing around: having top-level def with side-effects. That's not good in production code.


If you want an in-memory database, I'd suggest H2 (which is definitely supported in-memory with next.jdbc since it is actually used in the test suite).


Or do you mean you need it on disk for persistence but want to copy it into memory for performance?


If the latter, perhaps you don't need it to be SQL-based in memory? Read the on-disk version entirely into memory as Clojure data and construct hash maps based on primary/foreign keys?

Hanan Benzion21:02:57

I’m interested in having an SQLite db for other reasons, so I want to make it work with better performance. I can see how the last option (clojure map) will work and work very well. Just wondered if I can do much better within SQLite database. Thought configuring SQLite differently can do the job - working with a memory SQLite or other solutions.


For production, most people use a connection pooling library (e.g., HikariCP) so that connections are longer-lived and you avoid that overhead. The next.jdbc docs talk about that and have examples.

Hanan Benzion22:02:54

I will look into it, thanks

Hanan Benzion13:02:20

@U04V70XH6 Thanks, the connection pooling improved the results of my app. I used this (defonce ^:private ds (connection/->pool HikariDataSource {:dbtype "sqlite" :dbname db-name})) I have 2 more questions regarding the SQLite database - 1. I’m still wondering how can I benefit from the sqlite,schema.cache_size,-%3B%0APRAGMA%20schema My sqlite has the default value of -2000 and from my understanding, even after I ran a query, again and again, my in-memory cache is empty. Trying to debug this issue I ran some PRAGMA queries to my Database: • Getting cache hits by running (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["PRAGMA page_cache_hits"]) • Getting cache misses by running (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["PRAGMA page_cache_misses"]) • Getting the number of pages written in the cache by running (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["PRAGMA page_cache_write"]) But still, after running the same query multiple times I get the value 0 for the above 3 commands. 2. How using an,filename%20%22%3Amemory%3A%22. is compared/related to the above? Thanks


No idea about in-memory SQLite -- sending this to the main channel in case other folks have input?

Cam Saul21:02:11

The page cache caches parts of the file on disk in-memory, right? So if your entire DB is in memory then basically there is no purpose for a page cache. So I'm guessing it's not using it and that's why the page cache hits/misses are returning zero.

Hanan Benzion21:02:21

@U42REFCKA The PRAGMA commands for page_cache commands return zero for the SQLite DB that is loaded from a file. The reason I think it’s not loaded to memory is that making the same query over and over takes around 5 milliseconds.

Cam Saul21:02:32

That's weird. It works for me.

(with-open [conn (java.sql.DriverManager/getConnection "jdbc:sqlite:/home/cam/x.sqlite")
            stmt (.createStatement conn)]
  (.execute stmt "CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER);")
  (.execute stmt "INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3);")
  {:results (when (.execute stmt "SELECT * FROM t;")
              (with-open [rset (.getResultSet stmt)]
                (loop [acc []]
                  (if-not (.next rset)
                    (recur (conj acc (.getInt rset 1)))))))
   :cache-hits (do
                 (.execute stmt "PRAGMA page_size;")
                 (.getUpdateCount stmt))
   :cache-misses (do
                   (.execute stmt "PRAGMA page_cache_misses;")
                   (.getUpdateCount stmt))})

{:results [1 2 3], :cache-hits -1, :cache-misses 3}

Cam Saul21:02:50

If I change that database to be :memory then it gives me zero for cache hits and misses.

Hanan Benzion22:02:17

Thanks @U42REFCKA Your example differs from my use-case in the following: • I load an SQLite file with tables in it • I use the next.jdbc lib • I performed the execute commands on the conn (connection) or ds (datastore) and in your example you preform them on a statement. I wonder what is causing my issue. anyway, I will look into your above example and check for the root cause.

Cam Saul22:02:44

I just wrote it using plain JDBC interop. It doesn't seem like your issue has anything to do with next.jdbc in particular, so it shouldn't matter which library you use or don't use. Either way, it's often easier to debug issues if you can take variables like different libraries out of the equation. If you can't make it work with low-level JDBC interop, then next.jdbc is not going to be able to make it work for you either, since that's what next.jdbc is using under the hood. On the other hand if it works with low-level JDBC code but not with next.jdbc, then it's something related to the library or how you're using it. But I'm guessing your issue has nothing to do with next.jdbc or any other Clojure libraries in particular.

Hanan Benzion22:02:07

I think so too. Will update after further research, thanks

Hanan Benzion17:02:23

I checked the same code your wrote with more metrics (with-open [conn (java.sql.DriverManager/getConnection “jdbc:sqlite:./m.sqlite”) stmt (.createStatement conn)] #_(.execute stmt “CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER);“) #_(.execute stmt “INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3);“) {:results (when (.execute stmt “SELECT * FROM t;“) (with-open [rset (.getResultSet stmt)] (loop [acc []] (if-not (.next rset) acc (recur (conj acc (.getInt rset 1))))))) :page-size (do (.execute stmt “PRAGMA page_size;“) (.getUpdateCount stmt)) :cache-misses (do (.execute stmt “PRAGMA page_cache_misses;“) (.getUpdateCount stmt)) :cache-hits (do (.execute stmt “PRAGMA page_cache_hits;“) (.getUpdateCount stmt)) :num-pages-in-cache (do (.execute stmt “PRAGMA page_cache_write;“) (.getUpdateCount stmt))}) {:results [1 2 3], :page-size -1, :cache-misses 3, :cache-hits 3, :num-pages-in-cache 3} After the SQLite DB was created with the table I ran it again without the rows

(.execute stmt "CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER);")
  (.execute stmt "INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3);")
and I got {:results [1 2 3], :page-size -1, :cache-misses 0, :cache-hits 0, :num-pages-in-cache 0} I realized that the source I took the functions page_cache_write page_cache_hits page_cache_misses from wasn’t good and those aren’t PRAGMA functions. So when we insert data it just returns the number of updates we did in our database, hence when writing data we got 3 and if no data was inserted we got 0. I’m still trying to understand how (and if it’s possible) to monitor the in-memory cache of SQLite so I can understand from where I’m getting the data - from the SQLite DB file or from the in-memory cache. From the latency of the same query over and over, I assume I get them from the file each time (a simple SELECT for 1 row by primary-key) as it’s around 1 millisecond.