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I'm using hugsql and have a table with a jsonb column. I want to be able to insert {:foo 1 :bar {:baz :qux}} and select * from table where jsonb columns are serialized and deserialized as clojure edn.


i went ahead and added the relevant bits for next.jdbc, but perhaps i should be doing that in the adapter itself?


I'm not sure how HugSQL is hooked up in the adapter so I can only point you to the next.jdbc docs Tips & Tricks > Working with JSON stuff. If that doesn't help, maybe ask in #C3EATG7EV directly?


(you just need the json bits of course, that namespace deals with more type conversion e.g. arrays and joda stuff)


I wound up adding the tips & tricks stuff into the adapter directly, and that fixed my issue.

Cam Saul01:02:03

You could use Toucan 2 to do that. It can transform columns automatically for select, insert!, etc.