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I am seeing some strange behavior with next.jdbc and h2 (might be a bug).
Porting migratus from -> next.jdbc I encountered this issue that causes tests to fail.
The next statement returns nil
- though it should return a record of inserted rows
(next.jdbc.sql/insert! (:db config) "foo_bar" {:id -1})
with trace
TRACE t12951: (next.jdbc.sql/insert! {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"} "foo_bar" {:id -1})
TRACE t12952: | (next.jdbc.sql/insert! {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"} "foo_bar" {:id -1} {})
TRACE t12953: | | (next.jdbc/execute-one! {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"} ["INSERT INTO foo_bar (id) VALUES (?)" -1] {:return-keys true})
TRACE t12954: | | | (next.jdbc.protocols/-execute-one {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"} ["INSERT INTO foo_bar (id) VALUES (?)" -1] {:return-keys true, :next.jdbc/sql-params ["INSERT INTO foo_bar (id) VALUES (?)" -1]})
TRACE t12955: | | | | (next.jdbc.protocols/get-datasource {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"})
TRACE t12955: | | | | => #object[next.jdbc.connection$url_PLUS_etc$reify__6940 0x53ad92b8 "jdbc:h2:./site.db"]
TRACE t12956: | | | | (next.jdbc.protocols/-execute-one #object[next.jdbc.connection$url_PLUS_etc$reify__6940 0x53ad92b8 "jdbc:h2:./site.db"] ["INSERT INTO foo_bar (id) VALUES (?)" -1] {:return-keys true, :next.jdbc/sql-params ["INSERT INTO foo_bar (id) VALUES (?)" -1]})
TRACE t12957: | | | | | (next.jdbc.protocols/get-connection #object[next.jdbc.connection$url_PLUS_etc$reify__6940 0x53ad92b8 "jdbc:h2:./site.db"] {:return-keys true, :next.jdbc/sql-params ["INSERT INTO foo_bar (id) VALUES (?)" -1]})
TRACE t12957: | | | | | => #object[org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection 0x25b3a2ad "conn18: url=jdbc:h2:./site.db user="]
TRACE t12956: | | | | => nil
TRACE t12954: | | | => nil
TRACE t12953: | | => nil
TRACE t12952: | => nil
TRACE t12951: => nil
running the statement like this works as expected:
(jdbc/execute-one! (:db config) ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1])
TRACE t12978: (next.jdbc/execute-one! {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"} ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1])
TRACE t12979: | (next.jdbc.protocols/-execute-one {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"} ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1] #:next.jdbc{:sql-params ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1]})
TRACE t12980: | | (next.jdbc.protocols/get-datasource {:dbtype "h2", :dbname "./site.db"})
TRACE t12980: | | => #object[next.jdbc.connection$url_PLUS_etc$reify__6940 0x39b3aee9 "jdbc:h2:./site.db"]
TRACE t12981: | | (next.jdbc.protocols/-execute-one #object[next.jdbc.connection$url_PLUS_etc$reify__6940 0x39b3aee9 "jdbc:h2:./site.db"] ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1] #:next.jdbc{:sql-params ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1]})
TRACE t12982: | | | (next.jdbc.protocols/get-connection #object[next.jdbc.connection$url_PLUS_etc$reify__6940 0x39b3aee9 "jdbc:h2:./site.db"] #:next.jdbc{:sql-params ["insert into foo_bar(id) values (?)" -1]})
TRACE t12982: | | | => #object[org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection 0x33b2250e "conn21: url=jdbc:h2:./site.db user="]
TRACE t12981: | | => #:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}
TRACE t12979: | => #:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}
TRACE t12978: => #:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}
#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}
I tried with h2 and (latest)so it seems that adding {:return-keys true}
returns nil
This is not obvious from docs .
Is this an issue with the code , the docs or myself ?
@U011NGC5FFY This is one of those annoying differences between databases/drivers. With :return-keys true
, the underlying PreparedStatement
is set up to tell the driver to return any new generated keys -- but it's up to the database/driver what it actually returns, and different DBs return different things, including nil
. Without :return-keys true
you get back either a ResultSet
or an update count -- which is why you get {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
from execute-one!
is it something that is worth adding to a Known Issues you will hit section ? btw, thanks
See All the Options where :return-keys
behavior is explained in detail...
Any function that creates a PreparedStatement will additionally accept the following options: :return-keys -- a truthy value asks that the JDBC driver to return any generated keys created by the operation; it can be true or it can be a vector of keywords identifying column names that should be returned. Not all databases or drivers support all of these options, or all values for any given option. If :return-keys is a vector of column names and that is not supported, next.jdbc will attempt a generic "return generated keys" option instead. If that is not supported, next.jdbc will fall back to a regular SQL operation. If other options are not supported, you may get a SQLException.
With the version of H2 that next.jdbc is tested again (1.4.200), I think you should get uppercase keys per this test (in sql_test.cljc):
(deftest test-insert-delete
(let [new-key (cond (derby?) :1
(jtds?) :ID
(maria?) :insert_id
(postgres?) :fruit/id
(sqlite?) (keyword "last_insert_rowid()")
:else :FRUIT/ID)]
(testing "single insert/delete"
(is (== 5 (new-key (sql/insert! (ds) :fruit
{:name (as-varchar "Kiwi")
:appearance "green & fuzzy"
:cost 100 :grade (as-real 99.9)}))))
(is (= 5 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
(sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 5})))
(is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
But it will depend on how your table is defined and whether your primary key is defined in a way that it will auto-generate a unique value for the driver to return.
once I am done with what I am working with I might downgrade to test that - but I recall it was providing the same results
able is defined like
(str "CREATE TABLE " table-name
" (id BIGINT UNIQUE NOT NULL, applied " timestamp-column-type
", description VARCHAR(1024) )")
In the tests, the primary key is defined as AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY
for H2.
Right, so you won't get "generated keys" back because your primary key doesn't generate anything.
thanks for taking the time to explain - kind of makes sense that it should work like this
If there are no generated keys to return... ¯\(ツ)/¯
JDBC is often not very intuitive
Has anyone used Postgres COPY FROM
to populate their DB from EDN? Looking for some tips/example snippets to get started.
did not try but curios to see the outcome.
I think you can use the FROM PROGRAM
form and use babashka with data.csv to transform edn into csv.
I think it might be faster to convert directly to CSV from your service / data producer. could be helpful for anyone trying to do this. Haven't tried it myself yet.