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Does Specter have known issues with OpenJDK7? I've never used it myself, but just noticed an error on a Travis build.


@sophiago I haven't tested it on that, I'd have to see the error to have an idea of whether that's related to Specter or not


The error was Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/rpl/specter/Util : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0, compiling:(com/rpl/specter/impl.cljc:1:1). Let me know if you want me to file an issue.


(I understand that's not particularly informative)


Oh, that was a fast Googling. I guess it just means the jar was built in 8 and I'm trying to run it in 7.


I'm also on the 1.9 alpha, although I don't think that should factor in. I'm getting the jar straight from Maven.


yea that's cause the java code was compiled to a different version


not a specter issue


Sorry, could you please clarify? If I'm just having Lein pull it from Maven then how would I control how it's built?


@sophiago specter has a little bit of java code so the jar contains a couple classfiles


you can try building specter yourself by checking out the project and running lein jar or lein install


In that case, I think I'll just drop support for OpenJDK7. I think for libraries that's an appropriate expectation now that JDK9 is out. I'm not sure if this is something you'd want to mention in your documentation, though (I will in mine). All other Clojure libraries I use support it.

Nick Drew04:09:59

Java 9 has support for jars with multiple versions of class files. might be a handy way to preserve backward compatibility @U173SEFUN