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Hi, I’m trying to solve using Specter the clojure brave and true example of chapter 3 (the one with the hobbit symmetrical body, search 'Pulling It All Together' on, but I can’t find a way to do it. Can anybody enlighten me ?
My best shot is to transform existing parts, but I didn’t add them to the whole collection :
(transform [ALL needs-matching-part?]
@gphilipp one way to do that is with multi-transform, I think:
(multi-transform [ALL needs-matching-part? (multi-path (terminal identity)
(terminal make-matching-part))]
I don't think that would work, it would overwrite the value with the second transformation in multi-path
there might be a way with com.rpl.specter.zipper
here’s something:
(select [ALL keyword? (continue-then-stay (transformed STAY str))] [:a :b :c])
[":a" :a ":b" :b ":c" :c]
(transform [VECTOR-ZIP LEFTMOST (stay-then-continue RIGHT) NODE-SEQ (view set) (collect-one FIRST) (subset #{})] (fn [body-part _] #{(make-matching-part body-part)}) asym-hobbit-body-parts)
so, I have this small path that I’m using in several places: [map? ALL (sp/if-path #(-> % first ks) LAST)]
it’s basically a select-key
(didn’t use (view #(select-key …))
cause it doesn’t work on transforms :(). is this the right way of doing it? if it is, how can I transform it into a nav? my goal is to call (key-selector ks)
inside a path
There might be a way to do it with multi-path
Or submap
@caio yeah that's exactly submap
well, that was easy. thanks again @codonnell