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@nathanmarz: I wonder, any best practices on aliasing specter? I find that having the split between specter
and specter.macros
prevents from efficiently aliasing everything under one ‘specter’ alias. I really like using ns aliases for any non-core library I use, to improve readability/non-ambiguity in my code. Is this split due to the treatment of macros in Clojurescript?
@achesnais: yes, it was done for cljs
@achesnais: I use to get everything into a single namespace
is there a way to do something like "insert or update" on a vector? let's say I have a vector [{:name "Test"} {:name "Whatever"}]
and I would like to run f on the element that satisfies #(= "Something" (:name %))
(or create it, as in this case it doesn't exist)
I've been playing with nil->val
but when my predicate doesn't match on any element of the vector I get an empty vector and not nil
@nathanmarz: thanks 🙂
hello, wondering if anyone knows how to replicate
(update-in db [:contacts :show-modal?] assoc true)
using transformI tried
(transform [:contacts] #(assoc % :show-modal? true) db)
and it seems to be doing transformations to much of the db for some reason@sebastianpoeplau: can you show an example of the input/output you're looking for?
@mattsfrey: (setval [:contacts :show-modal?] true db)
@mattsfrey: yes, that will be much faster than update-in
the new update-in in 1.9 is much better but specter still outperforms it
@nathanmarz: of course - say I have (defn f [person] (assoc person :some "value"))
, then I would like the transformation to return [{:name "Test" :some "value"} {:name "Whatever"}]
when called on input [{:name "Test"} {:name "Whatever"}]
, and it should return the same value when used on input [{:name "Whatever"}]
. that is, it should update the entry that has :name "Test"
or insert it if it's not in the vector
my best guess so far is the following:
(setval [(not-selected? ALL #(= "Test" (:name %))) END] [{:name "Test"}]) ; insert if necessary
(transform [ALL #(= "Test" (:name %))] f my-vector) ; apply my function
I'm just realizing that I could change the lambda #(= "Test" (:name %))
to :name #(= "Test" %)
, but the question is still whether I can accomplish both steps, insertion and transformation, in one go
@sebastianpoeplau: I think doing it the way you're doing it is the cleanest approach
I would recommend factoring out [ALL #(= "Test" (:name %)))] into a composite navigator and re-using it in each call
(def person-nav (comp-paths ALL (paramsfn [id] [p] (= id (:name p)))))
(setval [(not-selected? (person-nav "Test")) END] [{:name "Test"}] my-vector)
(transform (person-nav "Test") #(assoc % :some "hi") my-vector)