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One slight annoyance: I'm in a rich comment block and I want to slurp the random-uuid call. cursor indicated by |


  (str |)(random-uuid)

So, SPC k s and it becomes this:

  (str (random-uuid)))
Still fine, I can eval ok and everything but is there a way to disable this?


I always put an "\n" at the end of the comment form like this: (comment (str "hello") "there" \n )

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I'm doing a same using #_f. I'd like to config it away, if possible. πŸ™‚

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I haven't found a rule to disable this behaviour. I tend to use #_() to stop the format bring up the closing comment paren. I have a rich-comment snippet in Practicalli Clojure LSP Config that creates the following code


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A very simple approach is to add a , (comma) before the closing paren of the comment expression, as commas are considered whitespace by the Clojure reader


Alternatively, I've found this less of an issue when using the parinfer approach rather than paredit. Although that is a bit of a cognitive change to writing code. I've only used parinfer with Neovim so far (works well though and I am less concerned with paren wrangling)


A simple comma is not working as it gets collapsed anyway.


I resorted to using the snippet and I think that's a good enough solution.


I realized I can get lost in emacs for hours fixated on how to automate some trivial thing πŸ˜„

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In my first year with Spacemacs I did spend quite a bit of time just submitting PRs to Spacemacs and extending my own user config. I dread to think how long it would have taken if I had tried doing this from scratch. I would certainly be using far fewer features, even nearly a decade later...

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I went and had a look at some emacs/spacemacs use videos including one of yours. I think I'll gradually ease into it. For now, I am so happy with magit, magit todos, cider integration and portal. I have few kbds memorized but if I go crazy on spacemacs and your config I think I'll burn out. πŸ˜„


magit is the best git client I think I've used

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Magic Forge is great too, if using GitHub for issues and PRs (which can be created & updated in Emacs)

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