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After a recent update, expand-region doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Instead of selecting the proper form (e.g. a function when I put cursor at the opening paren) it simply selects the whole buffer. Anybody knows what might be causing this problem and if it can be fixed?


I havent updated yet, but my assumption would be its one of the has caused a change that Spacemacs config isnt aware of. If its not obvious from any of the changes as to what happened, I suggest raising an issue on the Spacemacs org, SPC h I and hopefully it will be resolved pretty quickly.

Reut Sharabani20:01:23

I have a new laptop and lsp seems to crash after I format code (gg=G). Anyone ran into it? If I restart the lsp server it works fine but crashes immediately after next format. I only see a message ("Internal error") and I don't know how to debug it (tried checking "messages" and both repl windows)

Reut Sharabani20:01:09

Also checked lsp buffers but there is nothing there


There could be issues if trying to index an extremely large project, but otherwise this seems strange. There is a Clojure LSP troubleshooting guide Check the basics like version number, e.g. , b v or SPC SPC lsp-clojure-server-info to see if you have the latest version of LSP downloaded to help rule that out as the cause. Spacemacs should download the latest version when opening a file if it wasnt downloaded and installed by yourself. Check there isnt an older version being picked up (although as this is a new laptop that shouldnt be the case) If its Clojure LSP server that is specifically crashing, more guidance should be available in #lsp channel

👍 1
Reut Sharabani21:01:41

Version was good, didn't check the other stuff (moved back to cider)