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Epidiah Ravachol18:03:39

Hello there, I'm stepping out of my Vim comfort zone to give Spacemacs a shot, and I've got a pretty rudimentary question, with likely more to follow: How do I evaluate a form that would sit at the top level if it wasn't inside the (comment ...) ? The things I'm trying are either too precise and evaluate inner forms and elements, or they evaluate the entire comment form. Any help would be appreciated.


, e f will work but needs a cider option added to the Clojure layer

clojure-toplevel-inside-comment-form t  
The configuration I us is documented at

cider 2
Epidiah Ravachol18:03:18

Excellent! I couldn't tell if I was misreading the keymaps or missing some config. Now I'm going to dig into your whole site and see what else I was missing. Thanks!


There is a complete user config for spacemacs you can use or borrow ideas from

gratitude 2