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Drew Verlee02:01:52

,ep; should eval the last experession to a comment instead i get nothing... nothing my message buffer either.


If , e e is returning a result and , e p ; is not returning a result, then it sounds like there is a bug in Cider.

👀 1
Drew Verlee17:01:56

i'll restart things on my end first then file a bug report. thanks john.


I just added a .cljc file along side a .clj fie and can evaluate the last sexp to a comment. Is the issue with .cljc file from within a ClojureScript project? That might be more likely to have a bug.

Drew Verlee18:01:47

> Is the issue with .cljc file from within a ClojureScript project? > That might be more likely to have a bug. that is the context of the issue yes.

Drew Verlee18:01:12

or wait, i'm not sure how i started the repl.

Drew Verlee19:01:18

it doesn't matter. it's not happening now. This is why i don't report bugs, because they seem to float away on the wind half the time.


If you are using shadow-cljs then I think its still a bug. Pretty Print with a ClojureScript repl was an issue with cider, but was fixed in the latest piggeback library apparently


Ah,, it does seem to have been fixed in shadow-cljs too


Although I am using cider, cljs, figwheel and a fairly recent piggieback and its still not pretty printing 🤷


I wonder if using the cider-inspect tool would work more consistently with ClojureScript. Seems to work with simple examples I have.