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Sam H11:12:47

I’ve had the exact same thing happen before and just restarted. That link from emacs.stackexchange worked perfectly for me. (I’m on 26.3 emacs, 10.14.6 (Mojave) macos for reference)

Drew Verlee19:12:50

Can you export the clojure formatting rules so they can be inspected and shared on a per project basis? I says here it uses cljfmt, and that says you can customize it. But can you export the default settings? I need to find a way to set up projects so that multiple editors (intillji, vim, etc) can all have comparable formatting rules. And newcomers have a starting point for comparison if they want to use another one. actually it says you can customize lein-cljfmt. But im guessing thats not what emacs with cider uses?