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michael zhou10:09:20

Today I updated my spacemacs (develop branch) and now every time I press enter or esc key, I need twice press. anyone know why?


Did you also update your .spacemacs file from the template, SPC f e D. Have you restarted Emacs since the upgrade? Have you updated the packages?

michael zhou12:09:01

Thanks. I will try to update .spacemacs file.


Total noob question here, but what is a good practice for working simultaneously on multiple projects and using Spacemacs? I have 4 distinct repos/projects that I'm working on and one instance of Spacemacs running for each. I feel like I'm wasting lots of time CMD-TABing between Spacemacs instances and trying to figure out which project is open within them. Is there a better way? I'm guessing that there's some kind of "project" or "repo" abstraction that Spacemacs offers that I'm not making use of (which could allow me to open fewer instances). Any advice appreciated.

👍 4

Thanks! very helpful.


I put each project in its own layout and have just one frame, then use SPC l TAB to swich to the previous projects. Or use SPC l 3 to swich to layout 3. If you have more than 10 layouts, then SPC l l gives a helm list of layouts which you can narrow by typing the layout name (just like file find).

👍 4

Yes, that's basically what I use too. It's worth noting that sometimes buffers end up in a wrong layer so you can also add/remove buffer to/from the current perspective. And the default (the first one) will always contain all the open buffers

michael zhou10:09:42

You can try treemacs


Yes, thanks all. I've found that using layouts makes things much better. Some things are still strange though; for example, if I space b b to view my cider repl buffers I can only access them from the default layout, which is ok, though I would prefer to be able to see the repl output streams in the same layout where I am executing expressions


SPC b B shows all the buffers from any layout


if you’re on a Mac, you can do something like:

(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
  (global-set-key (kbd "s-b") 'spacemacs-layouts/non-restricted-buffer-list-helm))


that will bind “Show All buffers” to CMD+b


once you switch to the buffer you like you can add it to the current layout: SPC l a


you should be able to see the repl buffers with SPC b b in your Clojure layout if you type repl as the pattern in the helm popup for SPC b b. I was doing that earlier this year... unless that has changed now...


, s s or M-RET s s will switch between source and associated repl buffer, opening a new window for the repl buffer if its not already open


ah, but sometimes you have 2 independent repl buffers per project - for clojure and for clojurescript.


but I think you’re right, , s s should automatically add the buffer to the list of layout buffers