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Hum, so what's the best Evil way to go about deleting a section of code?


It seems without relative line numbers, it is pretty hard


5dd seems the best way, but without relative number, its a bit hard to decide the correct number


I guess you can also just repeat dd


That's probably easiest: dd followed by . many times

Chris O’Donnell01:06:01

I often use dap and da(/`da[`/`da{`.

☝️ 4

I'm not sure if some local layer changed it, but da( is also aliased to dab, da{ to daB If you use lispyville, you gain dax (s-exp), dal (list), daa (atom)


So, after using only evil, for 2 days. One thing I struggle is that nothing seems as good as Emacs sexp functions for navigating Lisp code.


It seems more focused on freeform text. You can move by word or WORD, by paragraph, and % moves between bracket


But how do I move structurally around sexp?


Like say, left/right across sexp forms and up/down into and out of them?


lispyville and lispy have changed my life, even with rough corners! motions that only navigate (e.g. lispyville-forward-sexp bound to L) and motions that navigate leaving you already on insert (`lispyville-backward-up-list` bound to () are very convenient! As a heavy user of SPC k ... mode, I knew I had to do something once I saw a coworker using holy-mode. It was the same feeling I had when I saw someone using emacs while I was still using Atom.


Haha, okay, so maybe I should try it. Because ya, as I see it, and always when I'm comparing myself to Evil coworkers, I am way more productive in Holy mode when working in Clojure. I can navigate in and out, back and forth, selections, etc. so easily. I'll give lispyville a swirl and see


The installation wasn't super straightforward for an emacs beginner such as myself, so let me know if you'd like the config files!


@U1UQEM078 do you know if someone has built a layer?


will definitely give it a try myself when I have a chance


@U0G75ARHC I couldn't find one when tried, so I had to (poorly) write my own private layer for it 😞


You mean transient lisp mode? 😉


@didibus some claim that evil-cleverparens layer gives you some nice things, I yet have to try it myself. But as you know - I’m lazy.


Hum, so no native Vim


How do I access transient lisp mode?


SPC k ...


That's not transient though


Also, anyone else has SPC unbounded in lisp-state?


M-m still works, but not SPC


Maybe I'm used to Holy mode transient, normally transient refers to the use of Hydra


In holy mode


Also, how long did it take you to become more productive? Cause now I think I'm about 20 times less productive 😛


Be patient… nobody can expect to become fluent in Spanish in just a few days just by reading some Gabriel García Márquez. Also, I think I’ve told you: “you’re gonna hate me for a while”


We'll see if it pays off I guess. I did vimtutor, the free part of vimadventures


Now its about using it for real


That's where I started really missing the emacs lisp features.


I don't find SPC k super useful, it takes so long to type SPC k before every move, and lisp-state disapears on Esc, so all insert mode gets you out of it


Okay, but isn't it abnormal that SPC and , are no longer bound in lisp state?


How am I suppoed to run eval last sexp without , 😛


Do I have a broken setup?


every Emacs user in some sense has a “broken” and at the same time “perfect” setup.


find what makes sense for you


and change it to your needs


I’m not a big fan of SPC k either, at some point I’d probably try to find something that works for me better


but it’s easy to extend. Here’s for example how I added SPC k = operator - it reindents things in current sexp:

(defun sp-reindent ()
      (er/expand-region 2)
      (evil-indent (region-beginning) (region-end))))

  (evil-lisp-state-enter-command sp-reindent)
    "k=" #'evil-lisp-state-sp-reindent))


Well, I meant broken like, isn't Spacemacs supposed to have SPC bound in all states as the leader? Especially since evil-lisp-state is made by the same person, so I was wondering if that's a bug or my config has an issue


Ya, my Emacs is highly customized. But right now I want to make sure I learn the Vi way, before I customize it. That's why I ask first if here are ways I'm just not thinking off before I create custom ones


Lispy seems nice, abo-abo is an awesome Emacs dev too, I love all his packages. But I still think I need to practice pure Vi before I try these Emacs only packages


> isn’t Spacemacs supposed to have SPC bound in all states as the leader you are correct. Maybe there’s a ticket on GH, I don’t know.


I'll check


If you do: SPC k . and then SPC, do you see: SPC is undefined ?


that is a bug


There are ongoing discussions of moving evil-lisp-state into its own layer and making it optional, bringing lispyville to Spacemacs, etc. There isn’t a single best option that would work for everyone. That’s why I personally choose not to worry about it hoping that community will fix it for me. Navigating and manipulating sexps is not a highest priority for me right now though.


Hum... Ya, it would be nice to move it to a layer actually, and give people options there.


So if you prefered cleverparens, lispyville, etc.


But abo-abo is amazing, so if one had to be default, I'd go with his 😛


I love all his packages: Ivy, Avy, Swiper, Counsel, all top notch. Maybe I should try lispy, in his readme, he mentions Vi line editing style isn't very good for Lisp, and I think that's what I'm realizing now. Writing Clojure is my #1 activity so... I'll see


I might just wait for the Spacemacs community as well 😛


lispyville and lispy have changed my life, even with rough corners! motions that only navigate (e.g. lispyville-forward-sexp bound to L) and motions that navigate leaving you already on insert (`lispyville-backward-up-list` bound to () are very convenient! As a heavy user of SPC k ... mode, I knew I had to do something once I saw a coworker using holy-mode. It was the same feeling I had when I saw someone using emacs while I was still using Atom.