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@bryan778 from what I've read in the little research I did before giving in to smartparens.. is that you need to be on the dev branch for spacemacs for it to work at all.


I just switched to spacemacs, so have been poking around at a few things.. still really new to it though.. as well as to emacs in general. After writing my own emacs config and understanding a few things.. finally went to spacemacs and it's been much less frustrating than the first time I tried it. Have had to tweak a few things though... but not too shabby overall


@bryan778 Yes, you need to switch to the develop branch. Then just add the parinfer layer. Worked fine for me.


When I do SPC m s x, I get Wrong type argument: commandp, cider-refresh. Anyone have a clue of what might be going on?


@spfeiffer thank you, will give that a shot. For some reason, from reading github, got the impression the parinfer layer had gotten killed.


@ryan.russell011 I'm in a similar boat. I'm a vim guy who coveted some emacs features, and spacemacs really fills that gap well. I tried looking at smartparens and got really confused by the available commands. Parinfer has been great in Cursive, but I think I like Cider a little better for REPL work.


@bryan778 i can check later, i did not use parinfer for some time now.

Mario C.16:08:27

Does anyone know how I can delete changes in magit?

Mario C.16:08:42

If I type SPC g s I get the status buffer

Mario C.16:08:32

And I can TAB on files to see their changes. At that point is there a way to pick-n-choose what I want to keep and what I want to undo?



Mario C.16:08:19

I basically see something like this

-(defn my-funk [] (println "funky town"))
+(defn my-funk [] (println "Groovy"))

Mario C.16:08:33

How can I say undo that and go back to previous version?

Mario C.16:08:49

I do x. It asks whether I want to delete hunk?


if you have unstaged changes, and you magit-delete-thing them, they’ll go back to what they were as of your most recent commit


it’s asking you whether you want to delete hunk because once you delete that hunk, it’s gone.

Mario C.16:08:31

Will this do it for the whole file?

Mario C.16:08:37

Because I want to keep some changes


only for the hunk. though i’m not looking at your screen, so i can’t tell what you’re trying to do.


i think there’s no shame in sanity-copying the file to another directory for safe keeping, until you’re more comfortable with git simple_smile

Mario C.16:08:31

I have a file with multiple changes. When I do SPC g s I can see the file. I can also TAB it and see the changes in that file

Mario C.16:08:06

I was just wondering whether or not I can pick n choose what changes I want to keep and changes I want to revert.


@UB0S1GF47 Git groups changes in a file into what it calls hunks. Sometimes a hunk can contain more changed like that you want to work with (un/stage, delete). You can tell git to split hunks, although using select in Magit gives you much more control. To delete one or more changed lines in a file, select the lines using v in vim mode or C-SPC in Emacs mode. Then run the action you want. x to discard the selected line(s)


use V to select the lines you want the do u or s (unstage or stage)

Mario C.16:08:30

The changes are unstaged though


select the lines you want to stage in press s

Mario C.16:08:13

I guess there is no way to do what I am thinking of doing lol

Drew Verlee16:08:40

im on the dev branch, on ubuntu, when i open spacemacs and open a file, it inserts what ever was in my copy/paste bin randomly into the file.

Drew Verlee16:08:19

has anyone experienced this before? i cant imagine what i have done to bring this on, it doesnt seem to happen happen all the time. is there a way to track down behavior like this?


@U0DJ4T5U1 Yes, pasting when opening in the file has happened before from the Spacemacs homepage. Add this line to the dot Spacemacs/user-config section of .spacemacs to prevent it. Or just open the file with RET instead of the mouse.

(define-key spacemacs-buffer-mode-map [down-mouse-1] nil)

Mario C.16:08:23

@mfm you were right, thanks! :thumbsup:

🌞 4
Mario C.16:08:46

Just had to go for it and not be scared of the word 'hunk'