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@ag no it doesn’t 😞 and the CPU goes to 100% in activity monitor


and my laptop slows down unless I force quit emacs


I suppose that's on Mac, right? it happened to me before (on Mac, never in Linux)


and my guess you don't know how reproduce this, right?


does it have anything to do with ediff?


yes, it’s on Mac and I have no idea how to reproduce haha 😄 I tried so many things like removing packages, changing / removing things from my config


by ediff, if you mean magit stuff, I don’t think so. sometimes it even happens when I leave my laptop be for good few minutes


I come back to see it in that state


I’ve googled a lot and tried disabling the emacs server (not even sure what that does), changed helm to ivy and a few other things I could find online


have you tried running Emacs with -q key ? how did you install Emacs? what is the version?


I'd recommend using emacs-plus brew tap to install Emacs.


I actually installed it through cask. and the version I’m running is 26.1


as I remember the command was simply brew cask install emacs


thank you btw, for trying to help out 🙂


no problem. I've been there. I feel your frustration. I used to have issues such that until I learned how to debug them. a) you need to make sure it's not Emacs build you're using (some people would install --HEAD version) b) need to make sure it's not *your* configuration changes. Remove everything of your customizations and see if it still faulty, even try emacs with -q key c) remove all Spacemacs layers, try very minimalistic setup d) open activity monitor, check what Emacs trying do to when it hangs. Most of the time it's trying to call third-party utility like ag, rg, grep or aspell, e) run M-x describe-mode, check *all* the minor modes, disable those you suspect, try running things without them. For example if you disable page-bereak-lines-mode, Spacemacs's home buffer would be more responsive, because on Mac rendering line separators is laggy


Question -- I've just switched back to 0.17.0 since the 18 snapshot has been in such intense flux, but now I'm getting Symbol’s function definition is void: cider-current-repl Anyone else encountered that?


Hi @eggsyntax, From cider 0.17 to 0.18 snapshot that function changed from cider-current-repl-buffer to cider-current-repl, so I made a PR changing that in spacemacs, since spacemacs by default uses the current cider snapshot.


Since 18-snapshot is currently undergoing so much churn, it's clear that quite a few people are switching back to 17 for now (me among them) -- ideally it would be nice for your fix to only be applied for cider > 17. I can't take that on right now, unfortunately 😕 But if you see an easy way to do it, it'd be a really nice addition to your update.


It might work if that alias they mentioned in #cider is available for both versions, otherwise I'm not sure how to approach that


I can take a look, possibly tonight


@andre.stylianos you rock, thank you!

🙂 4

Since 18-snapshot is currently undergoing so much churn, it's clear that quite a few people are switching back to 17 for now (me among them) -- ideally it would be nice for your fix to only be applied for cider > 17. I can't take that on right now, unfortunately 😕 But if you see an easy way to do it, it'd be a really nice addition to your update.