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awhile back (maybe 3-5 months ago) I was complaining spacemacs is flickering in windows when scrolling and someone else had same issue. now it’s non existent and I didn’t change anything. anyone observe something similar?


Funny enough, yesterdas at work i briefly had the same impression, but was too distracted to recheck. Thanks for the reminder, i will observe that more closely.


also wanted to say if you’re using windows, starting emacs with exported display from WSL to mobaxterm is perfect. it runs better than my installation on osx


Thanks for the suggestion of mobaxterm. I have been using other X11 servers for windows, however, they would not resize the emacs window. mobaxterm looks very promising.


Ouch, i think that is way too „creative“ for me…Up to now i am quite happy with the emaxw64 binary build. 26.0.90 up to now, but i want to upgrade to 26.1 now.


But thanks for the hint.


is project-wide search SPC /? when I do that, I get an error

Candidates function helm-ag--do-ag-candidate-process should run a process


i always use SPC s g p to grep projectwide


@bravilogy do you have any of the cli searchers installed? like ag?


yeah and actually after a restart it fixed itself. I think there’s something else messing up this process, because it happened yesterday as well. now another issue I have is that it’s taking too long to search for things and can I add node_modules and other stuff to .agignore?


@n2o pretty sure SPC / is the same as SPC s g p


great, learned something again 😄


I can’t get it to ignore file 😕


it searches through node_modules and takes about 40 seconds to find what I need 😄


ok I installed the_silver_searcher and it works fine now


@bravilogy i added (setq projectile-use-git-grep 1) to my config file, which causes projectile grep to ignore all files listed in gitignore.


Yes, SPC / is the project search and works fine for me with ag


@naomarik I just tested scrolling on my private win 10 notebook: Still very choppy scrolling. I will check at my job notebook.


i’m using emacs version 27.0.50 btw


might have been a new windows update that fixed it, because i remember it being intolerable


(repost from #emacs) For quite a while, I've ben using @timothypratley’s method ( ) for having emacs treat hyphenated words as single words (for purposes of eg forward-word). At some point in the past year, that stopped working reliably for me -- typically navigation by word will treat the first hyphen in a word as equivalent to a space, and the rest as part of the word. Has anyone else run across this issue? If so, have you been able to figure it out? I've made a number of attempts to track it down, so far without any success. describe-syntax does show hyphen as a word char, as it should.