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Is there a way to cancel/interrupt the REPL execution without having to restart Cider? I have tried C-c C-c but it doesn't seem to work at all.


just repeated mashings of C-c C-c and C-g until it stops whatever it's doing


Haha alright I am gonna try that


Noticing that recently some file saves take an inordinately long time. I've updated fairly recently, and also switched from mac to linux somewhat recently, so not at all sure yet what to track it to. Suspect it's CIDER/Lein related; I think I've only seen it on clj/s files.


But anyone else been seeing the same?


I haven’t really had any problems with saves on my mac


however I have noticed that when I try to close or navigate away from a file that hasn’t been saved there are a lot of problems with it hanging while emacs waits for my input to decide what to do ex: (`do you want to save this file y n etc.`)


Hmm, haven't encountered that one.


it seems to be a bit of an edge case - it happens most frequently when I open up a bunch of files in emacs, then start using intellij


Is there a way to prevent evil-repeat from being reset when using the mouse for navigation? e.g. Going from some|thing I type out b c w else and I end up with else| if I then click on another instance of something and try to . to replace it with else evil-repeat just attempt to place my mark again.