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@neeasade what do you mean? develop doesn't get released. Maintainers just merge whatever they see fit. Couple of things you can do to track things: a) keep an eye on PRs. You can sort them by recently updated If you want something that you'd be interested in being merged sooner, you can ask directly in PR discussion or in Spacemacs's Gitter channel b) whenever you pull the latest, you can check what exactly got updated. Essentially it is this command: git log --oneline --abbrev-commit ORIG_HEAD..HEAD


Also note that Spacemacs has official Changelog (things that get released into the master branch). To view it right in Spacemacs, you can press SPC f e i then SPC p f


How would I yank the symbol/form I am on? or the outer set of parens? There seems to be a special yank for lisp or something?


Can I use a text object as a region maybe? (Then I'd need a text object for lisp things)

Sam H14:08:14

are you using evil mode?

Sam H14:08:55

I usually just do ya(

Sam H14:08:27

pretty much what ever you’d do in VIM


yes, evil mode.


Also the evil-cleverparens project will give you text objects for forms, comments, defns. I don’t use it because it steps on too many of my (somewhat idiosyncratic) key-bindings, but seems like it’d be good for most folks.


Is there an eval operator I could use with those text objects?


I get that from CIDER, personally. SPC m e gets you to eval-form and related.


Alternately, SPC m s lets you send forms etc to the REPL.


cider-eval-last-sexp is slightly imperfect IMO because it requires that you be at least 1 character past the sexp; being on the closing paren doesn’t work.


I use it all the time; just mentioning because it sometimes confuses people at first.


(of course you need to be connected to a REPL for those to work; cider-jack-in-clojure is usually the simplest way.


@eggsyntax so I couldn't use it with evil-cleverparens' af, ad, etc.


I don’t think so, no, although I haven’t tried.


Feels un-vimlike to not have operators & objects which I combine together.


There’s an eval-region, so if you highlighted first using af etc, that might work.


Just confirmed that that works.


vaf then eval-region?


(not with af specifically; I used va()


sure. A little idiosyncratic to true Vim I guess. I suppose most users are looking for vim-style navigation & modal transition rather than the operator/text object principle.


The evil-cleverparens does help somewhat, although I do note that a few text objects I'd expect are missing, e.g. symbol (or I guess 'word' is expected to be set to a symbol/keyword/etc. matching regex) and element (if I'm on a paren, use form, else do a symbol)


I have a "symbol" motion in spacemacs


ah okay, useful. So the clever thing is what I'm really missing then I guess. vim-sexp has a really nice concept of an element, it also matches strings if you're inside one of them.

Sam H14:08:01

I mostly use msf to send the function to the repl.

Sam H14:08:42

doing any *-last-sexp-* type stuff when you’re in evil mode is a bit awkward as you need to be fully on the next char and can’t be on the last bracket that completes the form


@dominicm you know about SPC v v v v v right?

Sam H18:08:09

ah that’s nice 👍


I miss that a lot when I got back to vim


I do not, checking it out now


@pesterhazy That is rather cool

dominicm16:08:39 although you can have it when you use vim too 😉


great, an idea worth spreading


I'm somewhat here for the cross-pollination of ideas into my workflow 🙂


Does anyone have any idea why I keep getting some portions of some files with bold light green 😞 ?


@dominicm “I suppose most users are looking for vim-style navigation & modal transition rather than the operator/text object principle.” I’m surprised to hear you say that; I think of operator -> text-object as about the most vimmy thing there is. As described eg in:


That said, I really do wish you could use eval as a verb in exactly that sense, so you could do, eg, eval-around-parens or eval-line rather than visual-around-parens/`eval-region`.


suddenly suspects there may be a way to write an emacs lisp function to do exactly that…


@eggsyntax I agree, it's a pillar of vim. However, I spent a year or two without really grokking the text object / operator usefulness, I suspect that applies to others too. Otherwise, there'd be more users demanding this exact kind of thing. I got plenty of value from just the navigation parts myself, even if I was fumbling compared to my current abilities.


I spent more years than I care to admit not really grokking it 😜 . It was really that Pritzker article that made me truly get it for the first time.