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@escherize: it seems like clojure-refactor is having trouble. I'll try to figure it out when im less tired. thanks for the help!
How to start emacs fullscreen on OSX?
(dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup t)
doesn’t work
This is also nice in dotspacemacs/user-config
(evil-leader/set-key "of" 'spacemacs/toggle-fullscreen)
And then you do SPC o f
to toggle between fullscreen and windowed.janiczek: thanks, SPC T F
works for me. Just wanted it to be automatically on startup.
hkjels: thanks, but this doesn’t work. I have a feeling that fn calls inside dotspacemacs/user-config
aren’t executed on startup
@trybeee: you need dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup t
in the dotspacemacs/init
rather than dotspacemacs/user-config
chris: it works if i place it to dotspacemacs/user-init
. But doesn’t work in dotspacemacs/init
. thank you
@escherize: continuing our conversation about the "/" causing a problem (opening a repl and complaining about nrepl and lein being out of sync) i was able to fix this by adding clojure refactor to my plugins in the project.clj (as per the instructions right on the clojure refactor page).
at anyone, whats the best way to change data structures? Say i have a ( (1 2 3) [3 4 5]) and i want to change the second form i.e [3 4 5] to (3 4 5)?
@chris, thats awesome. I was worried i had lost vim-surround.