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Jonas Collberg07:05:09

Is it possible turn off the "badge" (small blue circle) on top of the Slack icon that shows up as soon as anyone writes anything in any channel in a workspace?

Jakob Durstberger08:05:53

Yepp its the 4th checkbox in preferences -> notifications 🙂

Jonas Collberg08:05:58

That's not how it looks in my Linux Slack desktop client though :/

Jakob Durstberger08:05:29

oh, sorry. I use a macbook 😞

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Jonas Collberg05:05:16

@U04V70XH6 Yes, I tried that also, but due to my somewhat unusual setup (I run i3-gaps, a tiling WM), I don't ever really close windows. What I'd prefer is to have a way to disable the badges only for specific workspaces (with "too much" activity).


Hmm, sorry, I don't run Linux on the desktop so I don't have any suggestions beyond that @jonas.collberg

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