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Is there some depth limit to what gets hot-reloaded? I'm still trying to isolate the problem but it looks like my views (using re-frame) do not get reloaded if I make changes in something that's 3 steps removed (as nested :require) from my entry point. Adding an import at top level fixes the issue but it doesn't look right to me. I'm already using :reload-strategy :full


are you setting that in the correct place?


I don't really have much too add to that


:reload-strategy does not affect what gets compiled, so if you are relying on some macro stuff changing that might be the reason?


other than that I can't say more without additional info

Ben Lieberman14:04:06

are you using react 18? in reagent (and thus re-frame) there is this issue I have encountered it a few times myself.


this is not new and has always worked like this, nothing special regarding react 18


thats why the blog post I just linked has a section for that regarding react


(defn ^:dev/after-load start []
  ;; dummy prop that always changes
  (reagent/render [ui {:x (js/}] dom-root))


but :reload-strategy :full also adresses this


Thanks both! After some more investigation is not the simple importing I described. If I just renderer the view hot-reload works correctly. The problem is with the way I set up reitit routing, probably wrongly. The routes list contains refs to the views and I render them from the router. I think that becomes stale in some way that I have yet to debug.


Hello @U47V0EZF1 I am facing exactly the same issue you are describing, and after testing different variants, I found that this way hot-reload works again, very ugly though

(def routes
  ["/" {:name ::home
        :view (fn []
                [home-page])}]) if you find a solution for this, please, @menction me to be aware.


and that is the correct and only workaround. shadow-cljs cannot update functions you put into a map in some place. creating an extra functions delays the lookup of the actual function until needed, so it always gets the latest hot-reloaded version.


well I shouldn't say it is the only workaround. frankly the routing data should only consist of data, never functions. then in the place that is actually using it use that data


something like

(defn app []
  (let [view (get-in @route-match [:data :view])]
    (case view
      :home [home-page]

(def routes
  ["/" {:name ::home
        :view :home}])


oh, I see! thank you @U05224H0W , I will use a keyword instead of a function as you suggested.


could even just dispatch on the :name, no need for the :view field.


is it possible to use :view 'home a symbol, will it work?


will what work? its a symbol. yes you can use symbols. if you expect that to magically call the function then no, that will not work.


thank you for your support @U05224H0W!