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Ben Lieberman15:03:49

The shadow UI is hanging on "Loading..." in Chrome and I see this in the console:

       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
dashboard:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'N', "Not found." is not valid JSON
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at (writer.js:497:12)
    at append.js:3:47
    at datetimeformat.js:147:28
    at u.onload (timezone.js:52:33)
It works in Firefox


what do the devtools say? Not found is weird? not found for what? which request gets that?


probably? but how would that 404?

Ben Lieberman15:03:09

Yeah it was the api/ui-init-data resource, but it's working now? I had to refresh it a couple of times but all good now :man-shrugging::skin-tone-2:

Ben Lieberman15:03:54

I can reproduce this when I'm using it as a browser extension tho


I have no clue. I don't know how that would ever return 404. do you have some kind of proxy or so active?


no clue. which shadow-cljs version is this? does this give you a 404 if you just curl ?


should produce some transit json and definitely not Not found.

Ben Lieberman15:03:03

2.17.8, which I think is really ancient but out of my control atm. curl also returns Not found


hmm could be that version doesn't have the proper function for the extension


I assume it works if you open http://localhost:9630 as a regular browser tab?


yeah, so the extension calls shadow.cljs.devtools.client.env.devtools_info()


so it should be fine? could be that the shadow-cljs version is just too old


I mean the UI back then was probably horrible too 😛

Ben Lieberman15:03:48

I'm hoping to get our CLJS and shadow deps bumped soon, but the standalone UI works great as usual for now. thanks!