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Ertugrul Cetin09:02:14

I'm currently encountering an issue with my Shadow CLJS project where I get an Uncaught ReferenceError: shadow$bridge is not defined error. I believe this problem is related to my configuration for external JavaScript dependencies and tree shaking. I am attempting to apply tree shaking to reduce the size of my npm dependencies in the build output. Trying for release mode. npx shadow-cljs watch app Below is the relevant part of my Shadow CLJS configuration:

:builds {:app {:target :browser
               :output-dir "resources/public/js/compiled"
               :asset-path "/js/compiled"
               :modules {:app {:init-fn my-app.ui.core/init}}
               :js-options {:js-provider :external
                            :external-index "target/index.js"
                            :external-index-format :esm}
               :dev {:compiler-options {:closure-defines {re-frame.trace.trace-enabled? true
                                        :warnings {:redef false}}}
               :release {:build-options {:ns-aliases {}}}}}
I'm trying to use the :external-index-format :esm to generate ESM code, but I'm facing an issue where the shadow$bridge function seems to be missing or not properly exported, as indicated by the error message. The error I receive is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: shadow$bridge is not defined
;var tE = shadow$bridge("react");
I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions on what might be causing this issue and how to resolve it.


that is the error you get when you are not loading the external code first


i.e. the output produced by compiling target/index.js


(or if you are loading that it might be doing something async?)

Ertugrul Cetin10:02:20

I've moved target/index.js into my resources folder and updated index.html like this;

And I got;
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
app.js:540 Uncaught ReferenceError: shadow$bridge is not defined
    at app.js:540:307
    at app.js:1078:4
this is my first time using this tree-shaking feature of shadow-cljs so not sure what I'm doing 🙂


ok I think you misunderstand what this is about


:js-provider :external means that the :external-index "target/index.js file MUST be processed by some other third party tool, such as webpack


:external-index-format :esm only enables webpack to do tree shaking of that file, shadow-cljs does not perform any processing of it whatsoever, besides generating it

Ertugrul Cetin10:02:04

Hmm I got it now, thanks! So in order to reduce the bundle size (using tree shaking), I should use external tool?


I don't know. that entirely depends on which npm libraries you use. shadow-cljs still performs "tree shaking" for CLJS code, just not npm


so, yes if you use a lot of npm libraries, which still need to support this themselves, then yes webpack is an option to shrink the bundle size

Ertugrul Cetin10:02:31

I get it now, thank you so much for your help and time!


Can I invoke different :deps alisases for a release build than for a dev one? So when I do shadow-cljs watch :app I want it to be {:deps {:aliases [:dev]} …} and for a shadow-cljs release :app I want {:deps {:aliases [:prod]} …} .


I feel like I answered this before. no, not with shadow-cljs. but you can of course just run clj -A:prod -M -m shadow.cljs.devtools.cli release app which is identical to shadow-cljs release app, just with the switched alias


dunno why you want to do it though. I generally recommend not doing this. IMHO there are no valid reasons to do it


Yes, I think we’ve been here before. I tried to search for it, even, but didn’t find it. I think last time you showed me why I didn’t need it for what I wanted to achieve, so it may be that I am holding things wrong again. The reason this time is that I want different app configs for prod and dev, and am currently going with this in deps.edn:

:aliases {:dev {:extra-paths ["config/dev"]}
           :prod {:extra-paths ["config/prod"]}}


define "app config", what exactly is in those paths?


My idea was to have separate config.edn files there and then slurp them in a macro, like so:

(ns app.config
  #?(:clj (:require [ :as io]
                    [clojure.edn :as edn]))
  #?(:cljs (:require-macros [app.config :refer [get-config]])))

   (defmacro config-get [k]
     (let [config (-> "config.edn"
       `(get ~config ~k {}))))

  (config-get :api/endpoints)
But maybe it is just easier to use cljs files and control it from an environment variable.


what I'd advise instead is doing (def config-str (if ^boolean js/goog.DEBUG (rc/inline "development.edn") (rc/inline "production.edn"))) and delaying the parsing to runtime


the compiler will eliminate the development config for release builds


or, if you'd rather do that without having both configs in the build at dev time


use ( &env) in the macro to determine whether its a :dev or :release build


also use as otherwise shadow-cljs won't know you are inlining your config like that


and won't recompile when your config changes


Thanks! Totally appreciate this! 🙏


all frankly way better options than switching the classpath

🙏 1

or what I prefer and think is the best option is to not have such config in the build at all


rather supply it at runtime, not statically compiled in


but that kinda depends on what you are doing. your server could provide it, your html could, many ways to do it


Html could work in my case. Love having a lot of options that all are better than switching the classpath. 😃


<script type="text/edn" id="app-config">{:good-old "edn"}</script> in the html


(.-textContent (js/document.getElementById "app-config")) and reading that


Sorry, wrong thread.


I went with the html embedded config for now, btw. Thanks again!

👍 1