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we want to write stories in JavaScript, so we're trying to use ESM as the target for stories and generally, it seems to be working
however, if not use
:js-options {:js-provider :import}
react seems to be imported multiple times, which causes the hooks not to workbut If we use it, there is a problem with goog.dom and we receive an error: the property "DOM" is not extensible or something like this
feel free to make a repro showing the exact problems. I really cannot guess from vague descriptions. I have not looked at storybook in many years, so no clue what might have changed
sure, I understand, I'll make a repo, but maybe someone else who has encountered a similar issue and resolved it in a seemingly magical way will reach out..
A little bit unrelated, but you may also take a look to portfolio, it's clojure made storybook like tooling
I'm working on migrating an existing CLJS project to use shadow-cljs. It looks like the user guide hasn't been updated for 15 months. Why?
I'm new to shadow-cljs, so I'm not sure. But the top of the guide has this:
Thomas Heller and Tony KayVersion 1.0,Jan 10, 2018
and the bottom has this:
Version 1.0
Last updated 2022-08-05 09:27:21 CEST
Everything else indicates that the project is actively being maintained though, I'm just curious why the docs allegedly haven't been updated for 15 months.I saved a single file in my project, and got this:
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (351 files, 7 compiled, 0 warnings, 0.36s)
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (351 files, 7 compiled, 0 warnings, 0.38s)
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (351 files, 7 compiled, 0 warnings, 0.51s)
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (351 files, 58 compiled, 0 warnings, 3.12s)
Is this typical? I think I understand why 7 files were compiled, initially, but not sure why they were re-compiled 2 more times, and then there was this monster compile of 58 files. 6 or so seconds later I’m able to safely interact with the front-end, where by “safely” I mean it won’t suddenly reset on me after an unexpected compile.this is usually an indication that something is touching source files after you yourself make changes
are you on macos by chance? this seems to happen if you the project files are getting synced to icloud for example.
could also be some other processing watching the source files and doing stuff on save
I’ll see what I can figure out. The only thing you mentioned that applies in this case is icloud.
thats the cause then. see this discussion
I moved the project file outside the purview of iCloud and it seems to behave. I went and read that discussion and it seemed to be exactly the same thing I was experiencing, and the same solution as what I tried (moving outside iCloud). I think I’ll keep my project outside of iCloud for the time being and see how things go.