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Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me setup a web worker with shadow cljs. The way my modules are setup is I have a main "app" module (which acts as shared) and then other modules which depend on it. When I try to add web worker module usually I end up with errors such as "document is not defined" and "history is not defined". I think the problem is that things that are supposed to be in "app" module only end up in worker module as well (for example pez/clerk package which references history) Shadow-cljs web worker user guide ( has "shared" module which all others depend on including the web worker but if I try to add one I end up with "two modules without deps, please specify which one is the default". Attached is my shadow cljs config, any help would be very much appreciated:
{:nrepl {:port 8777}
:source-paths ["src" "test"]
[[reagent "1.1.0"]
[re-frame "1.2.0"]
[ "0.6.2"]
[re-com "2.13.2"]
[bidi "2.1.6"]
[clj-commons/pushy "0.3.10"]
[re-pressed "0.3.1"]
[breaking-point "0.1.2"]
[binaryage/devtools "1.0.3"]
[ "1.1.11"]
[ "0.2.3"]
[com.cemerick/url "0.1.1"]
[org.clojars.mmb90/cljs-cache "0.1.4"]
[ "0.3.0"]
[herb "0.10.1"]
[pez/clerk "1.0.0"]
{8280 "resources/public"
8290 "target/browser-test"}
{:target :browser
:output-dir "resources/public/js/compiled"
:module-hash-names true
:module-loader true
{:app {:init-fn admin.core/init}
{:entries [admin.posts.views]
:depends-on #{:app}}
{:entries []
:depends-on #{:app}}
{:entries [admin.sessions.views]
:depends-on #{:app}}}
{:preloads []}
{:asset-path "/js/compiled"
{re-frame.trace.trace-enabled? true true
re-com.config/root-url-for-compiler-output " "}}}
{:asset-path "/assets/js/compiled"
or your require structure makes it so that code the worker uses also references dom stuff
you probably want something like this
{:entries []}
{:init-fn admin.core/init
:preloads []
:depends-on #{:shared}}
{:entries [admin.posts.views]
:depends-on #{:app :shared}}
{:entries []
:depends-on #{:app :shared}}
{:entries [admin.sessions.views]
:depends-on #{:app :shared}}
{:init-fn admin.worker/init
:web-worker true
:depends-on #{:shared}}}
basically you just need to make sure that nothing from the worker references anything from the other modules (except shared) directly, so no (:require [admin.core :as core])
or whatever
@U05224H0W Hi, thank you so much for replying! I've tried that and now I get the following error:
which is this line:
SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("", false, "\nshadow.loader.set_load_start(\x27app\x27);");
but the worker now looks much better. worker.js:
SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("shadow.module.worker.prepend.js", false , "\nshadow.loader.set_load_start(\x27worker\x27);");
SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("admin.worker.js", true , "goog.provide(\x27admin.worker\x27);\nadmin.worker.init \x3d (function admin$worker$init(){\nreturn self.addEventListener(\x22message\x22,(function (e){\nreturn postMessage(;\n}));\n});\n");
SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("shadow.module.worker.append.js", false , "\nshadow.cljs.devtools.client.env.module_loaded(\x27worker\x27);\n\nshadow.loader.set_loaded();\ntry { admin.worker.init(); } catch (e) { console.error(\x22An error occurred when calling (admin.worker/init)\x22); throw(e); };\nSHADOW_ENV.setLoaded(\x22shadow.module.worker.prepend.js\x22);\nSHADOW_ENV.setLoaded(\x22admin.worker.js\x22);\nSHADOW_ENV.setLoaded(\x22shadow.module.worker.append.js\x22);");
I added shared.js
to HTML and that took care of that error but now when I try to create the worker:
(let [worker (js/Worker. "/js/compiled/worker.js")]
(.. worker (addEventListener "message" (fn [e] (js/console.log e))))
(.. worker (postMessage "hello world")))
I get the following error:
worker.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: SHADOW_ENV is not defined
at worker.js:1:1
which is this line:
SHADOW_ENV.evalLoad("shadow.module.worker.prepend.js", false, "\nshadow.loader.set_load_start(\x27worker\x27);");
@U05224H0W there is still one problem unfortunately
however worker tries to load importScripts("shared.js") without hash, even though I load the hashed version in html script tag
var webWorkerFile="/assets/js/compiled/worker.84D0DF83F3955C46E01ED037C6E5F7C6.js";
<script src="/assets/js/compiled/shared.7D87480495688DE84B39E87B1A2BDD8F.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/compiled/app.08E387C98C9872E160C80225449C162E.js"></script>
and therefore I get the following error:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at '/assets/js/compiled/shared.js' failed to load.
at /assets/js/compiled/worker.84D0DF83F3955C46E01ED037C6E5F7C6.js:1:1
I did see the option to use
shadow-cljs release app --config-merge '{:release-version "v1"}'
instead of hashed names, but I'm wondering, since shared module is already included via scripts, can the importScripts("shared.js") be turned off in worker script and would that solve the issue? Probably not, but just checking