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James Amberger00:10:40

Any tips for compiling in low-memory (512MB) environments? I allocated a GB of swap but it only uses a little and then I get OOM.


if its running in a container then memory allocation may be wrong on older jvm versions


otherwise 512mb is borderline, take away all the OS and stuff you can be lucky to have 256mb for shadow-cljs


which will likely fail when trying to make a release build, as the closure compiler probably requires more. :advanced is pretty memory intense


fwiw you can try :jvm-opts ["-Xmx300M"] in shadow-cljs.edn top level for 300mb heap limit. only works when not using project.clj or deps.edn to manage dependencies.

James Amberger16:10:42

Thank you @U05224H0W; worked for me.

Daniel Gerson13:10:01

Hello! I've read the great blog post : I'd like to react-native-vector-icons , but also I'd like to rely on react-native-skia in the browser. This is in an effort to get both toolsets via react-native-web. Is this not possible with shadow-cljs? (I haven't tried to use code-splitting with :external, but thought I'd ask ahead of time).


you can try but not sure how far you'll get. don't know any of these libs or how they are packaged

Daniel Gerson15:10:27

Thanks for the reply. Going to try a different tack first.

[:standalone] Build failure:
Failed to inspect file
Is there a way to tell shadow-cljs to not try to resolve I don't even need it to do what webpack does because I'm not using that part of the lib. (webpack would convert it into an asset loadable resource)
  test: /\.(jpg|png|woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg)$/,
  type: 'asset/resource'


well that wouldn't work as webpack will then return the url for that image for that call


shadow-cljs doesn't support bundling static assets that way


you can use :js-options {:ignore-asset-requires true} instead, but that'll effectively set source to false

👀 1
Daniel Gerson15:10:00

Can I do that only for a particular npm?


what would that help? shadow-cljs doesn't support any of them, so just ignoring 1 doesn't get you anywhere 😛

Daniel Gerson15:10:47

Except that way I would be aware of new problems on new libraries.


last time I looked at react-native-web it very much expected webpack, not sure if this has changed. it has been a couple years.

👍 1
Daniel Gerson15:10:51

So close 😅

[:standalone] Build failure:
Closure compilation failed with 20 errors
--- node_modules/react-native-paper/lib/commonjs/components/Menu/Menu.js:91
Transpilation of 'Member references this or super' is not yet implemented.


hehe yeah the closure compiler is a bit behind on cutting edge not-even-standard-yet features 😛


although that might go away with :compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es-next}

Daniel Gerson15:10:31

Thanks, but no gravy. Pity that shadow can't run babel plugins on the code before bundling... ;-)

Daniel Gerson07:10:05

Morning @U05224H0W, I tried to webpack the two modules regexing everything else in externals but now I realise that Transpilation of 'Member references this or super' is not yet implemented.isn't a babel issue. There are modules that the Closure compiler just can't do 🤯 . Lends credence to the following argument:


Transpilation of 'Member references this or super' is not yet how do you get this error when using :js-provider :external?


that shouldn't be possible?

Daniel Gerson07:10:24

No, I webpacked those two modules to a new file and then included them. The externals was in the webpack config.


literally don't know what that means


but post processing the shadow-cljs output with webpack seems like a bad idea

Daniel Gerson07:10:26

Otherway around, post process webpack output with shadow.


hmm? how would that work?

Daniel Gerson07:10:40

My thinking was, if shadow can't prep these modules. I'll bundle them in webpack, externalising everything else.


what does "externalizing everything" mean? my webpack-fu is limited, so I don't know what that means


do you have a repo so I can see the setup? I'm kinda lost what your goal is at this point


what was the issue with :js-provider :external?

Daniel Gerson07:10:49

Or . My webpack foo is always limited, but I thought what the hell, give it a try 😅 .

Daniel Gerson07:10:36

I'll prep a repo. The problem isn't that I only need to output webpack :js-provider :external as a part solution. As per the original post, I also need to code-split the clojure code because of a second library.


and why is that?


I mean code splitting the CLJS code is trivial


code splitting the JS lib is not, but I guess thats what you actually want?


I mean you linked this and I see no problem with this working in CLJS?


with :external probably, to do the actual splitting of the JS code?


oh wait nvm


I actually do not get what this is doing


import React from 'react';
import { Text } from "react-native";
// Notice the import path `@shopify/react-native-skia/lib/module/web`
// This is important only to pull the code responsible for loading Skia.
// @ts-expect-error
import { WithSkiaWeb } from "@shopify/react-native-skia/lib/module/web";
export default function App() {
  return (
      getComponent={() => import("./MySkiaComponent")}
      fallback={<Text>Loading Skia...</Text>}


what is MySkiaComponent in this case? I don't get it


honestly I get nothing of this 😛

😅 1
Daniel Gerson08:10:27

I see at least 4 bundles. 1) CLJS code that includes the outer Skia shim to pre load the WASM. 2) The webpack canvas WASM bundle which :js-provider :external would force me to manage 3) CLJS My main clojure app 4) A webpack bundle including`react-native-paper`


I see one external file and one cljs output?


a repo would really help 😛

Daniel Gerson08:10:03

There is an extra kink. The reason I want code (1) instead of "the external file", is because (1) will eventually be once is solved (there's a plan).

Daniel Gerson08:10:40

Yeah, will prep a repo.

Daniel Gerson08:10:28

MySkiaComponent is your main app. It needs to be loaded AFTER the wasm code loads.


CLJS code splitting can do that just fine?

Daniel Gerson08:10:14

Ok, so the answer to my original question is "Yes, you can combine code-splitting and js-provider external"

Daniel Gerson08:10:48

Thanks, and sorry for the run around.

Daniel Gerson08:10:08

I guess I knew that shadow does a lot of work of interrogating dependencies and will move code between modules based on its dependencies. I couldn't see how that would work if deps were all external, so assumed code-splitting may not be catered for. That was behind my original question.


I still understand nothing about this. CLJS side code splitting is not affected by :external in any way, it just works


it however collects ALL npm dependencies into one .js file


but that doesn't mean webpack can't split that further


but this is an optimization problem? I'd focus on getting this to work first? or am I missing something?

Daniel Gerson08:10:58

No, not an optimisation problem.

Daniel Gerson08:10:37

Will try code-splitting and js external, and only come back if I have further problems 😅


I'll happily look at a repo and what the actual challenge is. I'm kinda lost 😛

Daniel Gerson12:10:14

@U05224H0W be careful what you offer 😛. I was trying to recreate the repo until I got stuck. I wrote it up here: The 0010_shadow... directory represents the issue.


I'll take a look later

🙌 1
Daniel Gerson14:10:53

Hmm, I'll take a look. I started from here which successfully does the same break up with shadow (without webpack)... but perhaps moving to :external means I need that now. Thanks for spotting, will try and revert.


btw, this is a bad idea. public should never be on the classpath.

:paths ["src"


 {:standalone {:extra-paths ["src-standalone"]}
  :portfolio  {:extra-paths ["src-portfolio"]}}}
this also doesn't seam ideal, kinda annoying to have to restart shadow-cljs to do the other build


just put everything in src


export const Skia = JsiSkApi(global.CanvasKit);

Daniel Gerson14:10:24

Thanks for the tip re-classpath. The whole react-native-web thing is just to speed up dev, and include Portfolio, so no security concern. Got it from here 😅


not sure I understand what you mean. :dev-http is not related to :paths?


its fine to use it as a http root, its not fine to use it as a classpath root

Daniel Gerson14:10:02

I.e. it's in the setup "sample" instruction here:


:paths ["src"] is fine


sorry I'm lost. I'm not at all talking about :dev-http. maybe you misunderstand what :paths ["src" "public"] does. you don't need it to make this :dev-http work.

Daniel Gerson14:10:52

I understand what it does re my own source files, but in terms of why it was on that link I posted above, I don't know. Just copy-pasta'd it.


I can't see it anywhere in the portfolio docs


:dev-http {9800 ["public" "classpath:public"]} this line yes, and this is fine


just not the :paths in deps.edn

Daniel Gerson14:10:44

"The source code for the sample is" That's where I copied it from.


this also has no public anywhere in :paths. I don't really care where you got it from, I'm saying it is better to remove it and save yourself from some headaches this can produce

Daniel Gerson14:10:10

My bad, I was confusing the two.


this whole react-native-web thing is such an extreme mess, everything arround it is just picard-facepalm


one thing you were missing to even active webpack code splitting was

:external-index "dist/externs.js"
    :external-index-format :esm


but that doesn't change anything


also note that :external-index "dist/externs.js" is not externs, externs are an entirely different thing. just to be clear, doesn't matter what you call it. might get confusing though 😛


ok, so I think I get it now. it is totally relying on some built-in webpack semantics of how/when which code gets loaded, and since the external-index makes it look like everything is used at once for webpack it doesn't split as expected by the skia stuff

Daniel Gerson15:10:04

Sorry, yeah. Lots going on and I probably didn't do the best job explaining. Just note that I was able to replicate the webpack example only using shadow... but when I have to use webpack (with which I am liable to burn myself) for react-native-paper, then it's harder for me to reason about.


what is react-native-paper? 😛


I mean I can get the skia stuff working just fine without :js-provider :external


but I guess you wanted that because of the paper thing?

Daniel Gerson15:10:13 meant to work with both react-native and web.

Daniel Gerson15:10:22

Yeah, as I said before I got Skia stuff working fine without webpack as well 🙂


yes, but you named the problem 0010_shadow_rn_paper but there is no use or mention of paper anywhere


so the actual propblem that is demonstrating is that :external doesn't work for the skia stuff


and as such the paper thing doesn't work either?

Daniel Gerson15:10:14

:face_palm: Yeah, the one thing I forgot to include in the demo app was react-native-paper . Too much juggling.

Daniel Gerson15:10:17

Paper needs babel stuff for webpack, Skia just needs code splitting (doesn't care how).


I think I have an idea for some :external tweaks that might make this work

👀 1
Daniel Gerson15:10:27

I think I stopped prepping 0010 at the first error, so hadn't got to the paper part.

Daniel Gerson15:10:15

Paper also has stuff that doesn't go through the Closure compiler...


I found a solution to make :external work with code splitting, but it'll require a little more work to get to work in :advanced properly


worked in my tests but still breaks in your repo


but I now see a path to get this working properly

Daniel Gerson11:10:09

@U05224H0W Thanks! I missed these updates. Looking forward to seeing the shape of the solution.

Daniel Gerson10:11:18

@U05224H0W Hello, should I create an issue for this? I'm a little scared to attempt to describe it as it took a while in the first attempt.


what I tried didn't quite work out, or turned out to be much more work than anticipated

Daniel Gerson02:11:30

Thanks for the update! :-)

David Udelson23:10:07

Hi, I am new to cljs and shadow and I'm doing an experiment with integrating with an existing next.js codebase. I am targeting ESM, but when I import the js file generated by shadow in my next project, I get error error Error [ReferenceError]: SHADOW_ENV is not defined. I searched this channel and saw in some cases you must include shared.js first, but I do not see such a file being output by my build. I assume I'm making a simple mistake, any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.

David Udelson23:10:18

This is the build section of my shadow-cljs.edn:

  {:target :esm
   :output-dir "public"
   :runtime :node
   :js-options {:js-provider :import}
   {:hello {:exports {hellofn hello/hello-fn}}}


it has been a while since I looked at next.js. there is no shared.js file to load there, you only have the public/hello.js, which I assume you are loading from the JS code


what is the full error? like what it trying to access SHADOW_ENV?


this was my last experiment in that area


I doubt things have changed much and my recommendation is still to not use it 😛