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How does shadow resolve build targets to the ClojureScript's compiler target? That is to say, how are transformations like :target :browser -> cljs.core/*target* "default" determined? I know I can manually try each build target, but is there documentation, either on shadow or cljs side, that explains the "targets" CLJS itself recognizes? I was able to find default, nodejs, webworker, and nothing else.


cljs.core/*target* is in no way related to what :target means in shadow-cljs, that is an entirely different thing


the node targets do set it to nodejs


other than that it is unused as far as shadow-cljs is concerned


I'm also not aware of any uses in cljs itself besides self-hosted stuff

Ella Hoeppner18:08:15

I'm getting a closure compiler error when trying to use an npm library:

Closure compilation failed with 4 errors
--- node_modules/@grame/faustwasm/dist/cjs/index.js:908
Dynamic import expressions cannot be transpiled.
--- node_modules/@grame/faustwasm/dist/cjs/index.js:915
Dynamic import expressions cannot be transpiled.
--- node_modules/@grame/faustwasm/dist/cjs/index.js:916
Dynamic import expressions cannot be transpiled.
--- node_modules/@grame/faustwasm/dist/cjs/index.js:934
Dynamic import expressions cannot be transpiled.
how do I address this? I'm a bit confused as to why this is even happening as I thought from reading the user guide that the closure compiler wasn't even involved except during release builds, but this is happening during a watch build.


shadow-cljs uses the closure compiler to process npm packages so they can be loaded in the browser properly


unfortunately some use features that the closure compiler doesn't support, this being one of them


it also doesn't support wasm, so that would be the next problem


@thheller, if I may ask, how would you see the future of these must-have features?


I do not see them as must have features one bit


all depends on what the closure compiler does really. nothing I can easily influence from the shadow-cljs side.


Will Closure Compiler evantually decide it? How do you see it’s direction?


I mean look at the code, relying on a comment to tell webpack to leave something alone stink to high heaven to me

FaustModule = (await import(
        /* webpackIgnore: true */


to be honest the JS world needs to figure this shit out. once they do we can see about implementing it

🤌 2

the wasm spec for this is still pending


I have no insights on the direction of the closure compiler in general, so I make no plans until I see something implemented

Ella Hoeppner18:08:57

is there any kind of workaround for cases like this? Like some way to make it so the library just isn't processed by the closure compiler?


Compiling it with webpack and including that rendered/compiled result into CLJS environment, maybe? I’m just using my imagination.

Ella Hoeppner18:08:31

ah, perfect! switching to :js-provider :external seems to have made it work, thanks


well, shadow-cljs then just doesn't do any npm processing. you still need to setup webpack and stuff :P