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Hi! It possible to use the css
macro like this:
(defmacro defstyles [name & rules]
(-> (apply hash-map rules)
(update-vals (fn [rule] (css rule))))
what would be the intent there? don't quite understand what this would be supposed to do
No problem. Just a convenient macro instead of:
(def styles
{:foo/container (css {:color "red" :width "600px"})
:baz/container (css {...})
Do this:
(defstyles styles
:foo/container {:color "red" :width "600px"}
:baz/container {...})
well, you could do that with the macro. the issue is that the build tooling only currently detects (css ...)
I do want to make that extensible at some point, just didn't spend any time thinking about it so far