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TIL: Object.assign(this, GitHost.#gitHosts[type], ... is valid Javascript code. I opened an issue because shadow-cljs closure compiler don't support it and it breaks compilation 😅


isnt # for private methods only? cant reproduce in nodejs

> let foo = {"#bar": {car: 42}}
> foo.#bar["car"]

Uncaught SyntaxError: Private field '#bar' must be declared in an enclosing class
> Object.assign({}, foo.#bar["car"])
Object.assign({}, foo.#bar["car"])

Ben Lieberman13:04:27

So I've figured out how to break hot reloading on just one project? I get the little spinner in the corner of the browser window but it doesn't pick up any changes until I reload the page. The terminal output also always prints the same message about x number of files being compiled, even if I change nothing.


and what does the browser console say?

Ben Lieberman13:04:37

the usual ready message and it's calling my after-load hook but no changes come in

Ben Lieberman13:04:23

Should I be seeing network activity from the WS connection on each reload bc I am not


On my brand new M2 MBP, app watch doesn’t seem to be picking up changes at times.. or if they do, its after a minute or two. Anything I should look at first? It has been working great until the last week or so.


which version? upgrade to latest if not. it has been a while since any changes to anything regarding this were made. but if you are on a really old version that might be the cause




Only other odd thing is that when I load the web interface, I have to manually reload page otherwise it just sits with ‘loading…’


but once I hit reload it works as I expect


.. this might be an intellij issue, I think its not writing back to the fs when I think it is. If I manipulate the files using bbedit or similar, they update as expected 🙂