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John Gorski01:01:40

Hey all, would anyone know how to point shadow-cljs at a custom Maven Central endpoint? It like it could be as easy as adding a config key to shadow-cljs.edn, but it doesn’t seem to be spelled out in the


yeah, its the same config as in leiningen. :maven {:repositories {"foo" {:id "foo" :url ...}}}

🙌 2
thanks3 2
John Gorski22:01:23

Many many thanks, @U05224H0W. My local repository is not secured with TLS (it’s on a sandboxed build fleet), so cemeric.pomegranate.aether is rejecting it as both a Maven Central override and as a mirror. The has a “never-use” escape hatch for allowing non-TLS-protected repos/mirrors. Is this currently available via shadow-cljs?