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Harel Lidar10:11:00

Hey, when trying to import a javascript library I get the following error: Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /Users/harellidar/Documents/Work/product-and-marketing/delivery-page/node_modules/capture-website/index.js from /Users/harellidar/Documents/Work/product-and-marketing/delivery-page/dist/spiritt/delivery-page.cjs not supported. Instead change the require of index.js in /Users/harellidar/Documents/Work/product-and-marketing/delivery-page/dist/spiritt/delivery-page.cjs to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?


sorry, on my way out. easy error to google. basically node cannot import ES module code from commonjs. you can maybe switch your build to use :target :esm, see docs.

Harel Lidar10:11:16

Tried changing target to esm and runtime to node and now im getting: The required JS dependency "node:process" is not available Any help with this?


:js-options {:js-provider :import}


back in a couple hours