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Q: I’m running node tests using the instructions here: when run via the node process they return a non-zero exit code as expected on my laptop. When I run in CI (bitbucket) i.e. docker, the same command returns zero even when the tests report failures. Has anyone seen this before?


Here’s the CLI command….

npx shadow-cljs -A:cljs:git-deps:test compile test-ci && node cljs-out/test-ci/node-tests.js


and the config

{:target           :node-test
                                :compiler-options {:optimizations :whitespace}
                                :output-to        "cljs-out/test-ci/node-tests.js"
                                ;:ns-regexp        "^\b([a-z\\-]+)\b(?<!render|ignoreme)-test"
                                ; cannot use autorun if return code is needed. see shadow docs link above
                                :autorun          true}


I’ve tried this without autorun as well but same problem


@thheller if there’s nothing obvious then I’ll try a local docker repro next. I’d guess its a docker env problem. CI is often painful


again. in what context is the CLI command called?


this is relevant since that dictates how the error code is handled


I'm also not a docker expert or any container expert. so no idea what the rules of those even are and if they even check error codes


@thheller I got to the bottom of this one. I was using node fs/mkdirSync and that was failing in CI (not on localhost). If an fs/foo call throws an exception, the return code from the tests is zero. once I fixed the fs call, the tests properly returned non-zero for actual test fails


is this interesting enough for an issue?


node -e "require('fs').mkdirSync(null)" echo $! does not have a 0 exit code?


do you have an "uncaughtException" handler that prevents the actual exit?


I’m running a chain of promises and the fs fail is in the last one. maybe that’s the key? I’m using promesa for the chain


if you want a repro I can add a sample test to an issue


depends on how you run then in CI I guess


Same exact cli command. Since ci is Docker I will try local docker to try and reproduce


well but how does your CI run it? Is it run in a bash file or so?


I'll put the invocations in a thread tomorrow for you to verify. A bit late here now


Funny story... I keep raving about how excited I am at work about Shadow Grove. So a colleague mailed me a Shadow Grove T-Shirt. Apparently it's a brewery near him! Gotta get you one of these, @thheller

👏 2
simple_smile 1
Drew Verlee22:08:37

I would totally buy a shadow cljs shirt.

Drew Verlee22:08:57

If you had to generate an index.html before starting your shadow app is there some configuration for that or do i just just run that logic then shadow server functions like (server/start!). I have to imagine it's the latter.