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I have an awkward macro in SCI that attempts to do the following: When the macro is used from ClojureScript, it should load the cljs.analyzer.api and populate a var, so that I can use the var in another namespace (to resolve metadata about vars in CLJS). When the macro is used from outside of ClojureScript, it's a no-op. This approach works well, but has a problem with the analysis cache of CLJS. So when I change a dependency or so and restart the compiler/watch process, it crashes, unless I remove this cache, in shadow's case, the .shadow-cljs directory. What's the story with macro calls from .cljs namespaces - are these cached somehow?


When I put a logging statement in the macro which runs in the JVM:

(binding [*out* *err*] (println "Requiring cljs.analyzer.api!"))
I see the output on the first invocation of shadow-cljs, but not in the second one.


yes, there code is compiled once and then cached


I'm unsure that this is supposed to be doing though? looks like it tries to do a dynamic require?


It is doing it dynamically so CLJS doesn't become a dependency of SCI


but wouldn't it be easier to make that sci.impl.cljs entirely unconditional and make it do whatever it needs to do for CLJS


and then just conditionally load that namespace when building for CLJS?


or I'm missing what this is supposed to be doing?


I mean you can exclude this ns from the cache so your described problem goes away


Yes, if I could change things, I might have made a separate CLJS API namespace, but this would be kind of breaking. So I'm trying to solve the problem without doing this first. Thanks for the hints!


btw that could would be much less gnarly if it wasn't .cljc 😉


I know right 😂


so what I'm trying now is on the first def, I have this:

#?(:clj (def cljs-ns-publics (resolve 'cljs.analyzer.api/ns-publics)))


This sometimes works and also after recompilation it works. But it hasn't always worked, probably due to the order of dependency loading: SCI first or CLJS first


thinking about .cljc makes my head hurt. why do you do it as .cljc? it really doesn't need to me as far as I can tell?


I agree that it would be simpler. I think I've tried that before but I ran into different issues, possibly with self-hosted or so


> so that I can use the var in another namespace (to resolve metadata about vars in CLJS).


which ns would that be?


sci.core and sci.impl.namespaces


Note: I want to avoid a non-top level require


That doesn't play well with graalvm


ok may I make the following suggestion. create or use a namespace that everything can import. sci.impl.env or so, which just has a (def resolve nil) which you'll call whenever you need to resolve something.


in sci.core as your first require you do a conditional so #?(:cljs [sci.impl.cljs] :cljs [sci.impl.cli])


(thats the only place loading these namespace)


the cljs variants is just a regular CLJS requiring cljs.anylzer and whatever else it may need


and then (set! env/resolve cljs.analyzer.api/resolve)


the CLJ variant does the same but via (alter-var-root! ...) or so


(all other requires for sci.impl.cljs need to go away of course)


by doing it first in sci.core remove all other conditionals you may otherwise have


any by putting it in a well known var that always exists things become much cleaner no?


CLJ code never loads the sci.impl.sci so no graalvm issues should exist?


the well known var that always exists is inside sci.impl.cljs , it's called cljs-ns-publics


That is already the ns that everyone can import - trying to understand how your approach might work better


but it exists in CLJ?


because I need to inspect information about CLJS vars in the JVM


I assume that means you need it during macro expansion? or actually at JVM runtime, meaning in the final created binary?


yes, during macro-expansion


ok then you don't need it to be a var at all


hang on, checking how you use cljs-ns-publics


btw, the workaround I pushed a minute ago, seems to work reliably after stopping and starting the compiler now...


as far as I can tell my suggestion would remove a whole lot of conditional code and work in all environments. albeit being a little unclean when loading the sci.impl.cljs cljs/clj macro combi in CLJ environment


but as far as I can tell that shouldn't happen. I mean you could even control via build config


and consumers of sci as a lib probably never use sci.impl.* namespaces anyways right? only sci.core?


Exactly, impl means "internal, don't touch"


but if your problem is solved then rewriting a bunch of stuff might not be necessary 😉


(as the caching problem will stay exactly the same)


I'll revisit this when the issue persists with your remarks in mind. Thanks a lot :)


If people can ensure the loading order CLJS and then SCI, then the issue won't happen anymore. But this order of loading isn't always guaranteed I think

Filipe Silva10:07:16

Is there a way to ignore :redef warnings from some namespaces? After cljs 1.11 I get a few of them on every rebuild:

[1] [:app] Build completed. (1684 files, 469 compiled, 5 warnings, 15.44s)
[1] ------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
[1]  Resource: day8/re_frame_10x/inlined_deps/garden/v1v3v10/garden/color.cljc:390:1
[1]  abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] ------ WARNING #2 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
[1]  Resource: zprint/range.cljc:81:1
[1]  abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by: zprint.range/abs
[1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] ------ WARNING #3 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
[1]  Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljc:33:1
[1]  abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] ------ WARNING #4 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
[1]  Resource: no/en/core.cljc:131:1
[1]  parse-long already refers to: cljs.core/parse-long being replaced by: no.en.core/parse-long
[1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] ------ WARNING #5 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
[1]  Resource: no/en/core.cljc:136:1
[1]  parse-double already refers to: cljs.core/parse-double being replaced by: no.en.core/parse-double
I get that they are a real thing and due to the new cljs fns, but I don’t control these files, nor am I changing them. I know I can set :warnings {:redef false}} on compiler options, but then I don’t get other real redef issues.


I would assume that all these libs probably have new versions to address this for 1.11?


but otherwise no there is no way to ignore these other than disabling them globally

Filipe Silva10:07:44

some might, some might not, but it only takes one of these warnings to make rebuilds very noisy, and updating them is a bit of a crapshoot (maybe new errors, maybe new api, etc)

Filipe Silva10:07:17

I think I’ll just remove the redef warning completely then

Filipe Silva10:07:23

thank you for taking a look


but didn't I change it so warnings in files you don't control only appear once on the initial build for watch but not on recompile?


can't actually remember 😛

Filipe Silva11:07:37

you know, that’s actually weird: two of these appear on startup, the rest appear on every reload

Filipe Silva11:07:12

they also show up differently

Filipe Silva11:07:20


[1] [:renderer] Configuring build.
[1] [:app] Configuring build.
[1] [:main] Configuring build.
[1] [:main] Compiling ...
[1] [:renderer] Compiling ...
[1] [:app] Compiling ...
[1] [:main] Build completed. (86 files, 85 compiled, 0 warnings, 4.00s)
[1] WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace:, being replaced by: #'
[1] WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace:, being replaced by: #'
[1] [:renderer] Build completed. (1684 files, 1683 compiled, 0 warnings, 33.24s)
[1] [:app] Build completed. (1684 files, 1683 compiled, 0 warnings, 33.35s)
[1] [:app] Configuring build.
[1] [:renderer] Configuring build.

Filipe Silva11:07:42

then on any file save, I get the previous set of warnings


hmm maybe something is messed up and it logs the "noisy" warnings when it shouldn't?


I don't use libs that produce warnings so not something I would never notice myself 😛

Filipe Silva11:07:39

lemme make a repro then, should be able to isolate it

Filipe Silva11:07:19

npm install
npm start

Filipe Silva11:07:40

on startup it shows

Filipe Silva11:07:41

filipesilva@MacBook-Pro ~/s/repro-shadow-cljs-warnings (master)> npm start

> [email protected] start
> shadow-cljs watch app

shadow-cljs - config: /Users/filipesilva/sandbox/repro-shadow-cljs-warnings/shadow-cljs.edn
[2022-07-13 12:39:07.507 - WARNING] TCP Port 9630 in use.
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.19.5 running at 
shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 58223
shadow-cljs - watching build :app
[:app] Configuring build.
[:app] Compiling ...
WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace:, being replaced by: #'
[:app] Build completed. (163 files, 1 compiled, 1 warnings, 1.77s)

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
  30 | (clojure.core/defn of-nanos {:arglists (quote (["long"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^long long14686] (js-invoke java.time.Duration "ofNanos" long14686)))
  31 | (clojure.core/defn of-millis {:arglists (quote (["long"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^long long14687] (js-invoke java.time.Duration "ofMillis" long14687)))
  32 | (clojure.core/defn negated {:arglists (quote (["java.time.Duration"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^js/JSJoda.Duration this14688] (.negated this14688)))
  33 | (clojure.core/defn abs {:arglists (quote (["java.time.Duration"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^js/JSJoda.Duration this14689] (.abs this14689)))
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
  34 | (clojure.core/defn between {:arglists (quote (["java.time.temporal.Temporal" "java.time.temporal.Temporal"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^js/JSJoda.Temporal java-time-temporal-Temporal14690 ^js/JSJoda.Temporal java-time-temporal-Temporal14691] (js-invoke java.time.Duration "between" java-time-temporal-Temporal14690 java-time-temporal-Temporal14691)))
  35 | (clojure.core/defn get-seconds {:arglists (quote (["java.time.Duration"]))} (^long [^js/JSJoda.Duration this14692] (.seconds this14692)))
  36 | (clojure.core/defn from {:arglists (quote (["java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^js/JSJoda.TemporalAmount java-time-temporal-TemporalAmount14693] (js-invoke java.time.Duration "from" java-time-temporal-TemporalAmount14693)))
  37 | (clojure.core/defn minus-nanos {:arglists (quote (["java.time.Duration" "long"]))} (^js/JSJoda.Duration [^js/JSJoda.Duration this14694 ^long long14695] (.minusNanos this14694 long14695)))

Filipe Silva11:07:25

if you edit src/main/app.cljs, you get the warning

Filipe Silva11:07:27

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (163 files, 1 compiled, 1 warnings, 0.04s)

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (163 files, 1 compiled, 1 warnings, 0.05s)

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (163 files, 1 compiled, 1 warnings, 0.05s)

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (163 files, 1 compiled, 1 warnings, 0.04s)

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:
[:app] Compiling ...
[:app] Build completed. (163 files, 1 compiled, 1 warnings, 0.04s)

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljc/java_time/duration.cljs:33:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:


hmm well yeah that does that is should be doing I guess


it only shows the verbose warning once, after that it is shortened and doesn't show the code excerpt


actually unsure where WARNING: abs already refers to: #'clojure.core/abs in namespace:, being replaced by: #' that is coming from


its not shadow-cljs generating that


oh nevermind. thats clojure


but instead of just shortening it could maybe just not show the warnings at all

Filipe Silva11:07:30

hmm also noticed that it’s slightly different on a cljc file, which is what I’m using in the real code

Filipe Silva11:07:33

gonna update it


well in case of a CLJC file it'll also be reloading the CLJ portion. can't do much about warnings coming from there I guess

Filipe Silva11:07:59

ah no, I don’t think the difference is between cljs and cljc, I think it might be due to using deps or something… I don’t get the full verbose on startup on my real code

Filipe Silva11:07:06

but it’s not important

Roman Liutikov13:07:20

Interesting case with error and code location reporting. If I have :warnings-as-errors true set and a custom analyzer warning that is being emitted during macro expansion time, then code excerpt in the reported warning (as error) will be pointing at macro call site (which is expected given that the warning was thrown), but instead what I want is to point the code excerpt at the location that was provided to ana/warning. Not sure if that's also the default behaviour in cljs compiler itself, but I'm curious if there's something can be done to achieve desired behaviour


the location is derived from the metadata on the emitted form most of the time. so you can influence what the error actually says


look for with-loc uses in that file. of course if you manually call ana/warning it comes solely from the env arg passed to it, which you can also modify prior to calling

Roman Liutikov13:07:43

that's exactly what I'm doing, passing env with desired location to ana/warning, but the thrown warning during macroexpansion still points at the macro call site rather than a form within an expression that I'm interested in

(my-macro ... (inc) ...) ;; should report at `(inc)` location


but works correctly when emitted as a regular warning? or is also wrong then?

Roman Liutikov13:07:07

yep, works correctly as a warning. I guess ex-info on a thrown error is not picked up


do you have a repro for that? glancing at the code it should pickup the location properly from the warning?

Roman Liutikov13:07:38

let me put up a quick one


hmm just tried locally with the fragments macro. error message is the same


------ ERROR -------------------------------------------------------------------
 File: C:\Users\thheller\code\shadow-cljs\src\main\shadow\cljs\ui\components\inspect.cljs:310:13
 307 |                  (when label
 308 |                    (str " - " label)))]
 309 |            [:div.truncate
 310 |             (
Use of undeclared Var shadow.cljs.ui.components.inspect/foo
{:warning :undeclared-var, :line 310, :column 14, :msg "Use of undeclared Var shadow.cljs.ui.components.inspect/foo"}
ExceptionInfo: Use of undeclared Var shadow.cljs.ui.components.inspect/foo (compiler.clj:493)


but this is not calling ana/warning directly so I guess that isn't really comparable

Roman Liutikov13:07:42

not sure if the problem is the fact that I'm not passing entire env, but only location data, but that's enough for the warning to be printed correctly

Roman Liutikov13:07:16

how did you get correct location printing? I'd use it for now


the with-loc function I linked above

Roman Liutikov13:07:48

Perhaps I misunderstood this > but this is not calling ana/warning directly so I guess that isn't really comparable


ah well, you are trying to get metadata from a number which doesn't have metadata 😛

Roman Liutikov13:07:44

well that's fair 😄 but it doesn't work with IMeta's as well


eh, keyword I mean

Roman Liutikov13:07:45

the actual app code that I'm testing takes location from meta in a hashmap

Roman Liutikov13:07:51

here's the same warning with and w/o :warnings-as-errors true

Roman Liutikov13:07:36

Maybe in your example with undeclared var it works fine because the erroring location matches analyzed location. In my case with the macro, analyzed location is the callsite of a macro.


hmm yeah I can reproduce it. checking


hmm so I guess this happens due to the cljs.analyzer macroexpansion code try/catching the error and throwing a new one with its own location data added. which it takes from the source form.


dunno if I can get to the info easily without breaking other errors

Roman Liutikov13:07:41

I guess I can include my own excerpt into the error message then


nah, I think I can address this

Roman Liutikov13:07:24

Cool! I wonder if cljs analyzer itself could use thing change, unless it breaks other errors

Roman Liutikov13:07:12

Are you gonna read location from the re-thrown error e? (throw (ex-info nil (error-data env :macroexpansion (var->sym mac-var)) e))


so that could check the data if its a macroexpansion error and then get the data from the (.getCause e) instead


but I'm unsure that this will always be correct. meaning pointing to the correct location if it has line/column.


there might be cases where that location is actually worse than showing the location of the macro

Roman Liutikov14:07:59

do you have an example?


no, just thinking about it

Roman Liutikov14:07:12

I'll have to patch shadow on my side to have meaningful error messages in the meantime, but that's a good point.


I mean this only happens because of :warnings-as-errors so it is isolated to shadow-cljs. so I guess I could add a marker of sorts

👍 1

needs some more testing before I make a release but seems to be ok for your repro

🙏 1

(although modified your repro since keywords can't take meta and won't have location data)

👍 1
Roman Liutikov14:07:48

On that note: I think shadow's ERROR reporting browser UI could use more love, the warning reporting screen is much easier to read because of formatting (bold text, marings, etc)


yeah but its a lot of work since errors are captured as text for the terminal. wiring the whole error reporting again to capture html is meh

Roman Liutikov15:07:15

I just made it nice looking with a bunch of regexes 😄


hehe I guess that works too 😛

Roman Liutikov11:07:36

@U05224H0W Just noticed that code location pointing is also wrong for "undeclared var" warnings with :warnings-as-errors true


hmm, probably the exception being wrapped multiple times. feel free to open issue, can't look into it currently

👍 1

Hi there, I am trying to get a runtime against wrangler (Cloudflare worker) up However, when I start it I get:

[mf:err] Error: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': the constructor is not implemented.
    at Object.construct (/home/cokap/git/arudik-website/cloudflare-workers/backblaze-download-token-to-secrets/node_modules/@miniflare/web-sockets/src/plugin.ts:37:19)
    at shadow$cljs$devtools$client$websocket$start (/home/cokap/git/arudik-website/cloudflare-workers/.cljs/cljs-runtime/shadow/cljs/devtools/client/websocket.cljs:12:16)
    at shadow.cljs.devtools.client.shared.Runtime.attempt_connect_BANG_ (/home/cokap/git/arudik-website/cloudflare-workers/.cljs/cljs-runtime/shadow/cljs/devtools/client/shared.cljs:324:25)
    at Object.shadow$cljs$devtools$client$shared$init_runtime_BANG_ [as init_runtime_BANG_] (/home/cokap/git/arudik-website/cloudflare-workers/.cljs/cljs-runtime/shadow/cljs/devtools/client/shared.cljs:509:24)
    at ../.cljs/cljs-runtime/shadow.cljs.devtools.client.browser.js (/home/cokap/git/arudik-website/cloudflare-workers/.cljs/cljs-runtime/shadow/cljs/devtools/client/browser.cljs:337:3)
Is there a way to avoid compiling the browser dev tools in a module?


import "./cljs-runtime/shadow.cljs.devtools.client.browser.js";
If I remove the two lines up it seems to work


:devtools {:enabled false} in the build config


@U05224H0W oh thanks you, will try that out


I am experimenting with the new js-await macro I did this

(ns cloudflare.workers
  (:require [shadow.cljs.modern :refer (js-await)]))

(defn backblaze-download-token-to-secrets
  [controller env ctx]
  (js-await [result (js/Promise.resolve #js {"foo" "bar"})]
   (js/console.log "environment" env)
   #js {:response "response"}))
but I don't see any compiled file...the module contains only
import "./cljs_env.js";


hmm? what does one have to do with the other?


what is your build config? which file did you look at?


{:target :esm
            :output-to "target/cloudflare-workers.js"
            :output-dir ".cljs"
            :modules {:backblaze-download-token-to-secrets
                      {:exports {default cloudflare.workers/backblaze-download-token-to-secrets}}}
            :compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es-next}
            :js-options {:entry-keys ["module" "browser" "main"]}
            :devtools {:enabled false}
            :release {:compiler-options {:source-map true}}}


I am looking at both this two guys

$ cat .cljs/cljs-runtime/shadow.module.backblaze-download-token-to-secrets.


thats not the correct file to be looking at


.cljs/cljs-runtime/cloudflare.workers.js will have the source from cloudflare.workers ns


yeah that contains the right code..sorry for the newbie question, but would that match the expected format here? ?


basically I am not sure I am producing the expected async scheduled function


which part? I mean your code is doing something else entirely?


the export default would be correct yes


well yeah, I am trying stuff 😄 basically I need to export this

export default {
  async scheduled(event, env, ctx) {

an export list with scheduled in it


hehe I'm blind. didn't even see the extra object

😄 1

(def thing
  #js {:scheduled
       (fn [event env ctx]


oh I think I just saw how to do that sorry

(def exports #js {:g f


thing being the thing referenced in the build config


thank you Thomas


does that runtime just accept the watch output as is or do only release builds work?


I am still trying to get the watch - haven't tried release yet


but I might cause I get this error now

[mf:err] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'module_loaded')
    at /home/cokap/git/arudik-website/cloudflare-workers/.cljs/backblaze-download-token-to-secrets.js:92:33
as shadow.cljs.devtools.client.env is undefined


trying :console-support false`


try a release build


:console-support has nothing to do with the module stuff

👍 1

I'm guessing that it doesn't actually support the globalThis hacks the watch/compile builds do


release might work though


oki, trying that as we speak


seems good apart from one little warning

npx wrangler dev --local
 ⛅️ wrangler 2.0.17 (update available 2.0.19)
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
│ [b] open a browser, [d] open Devtools, [l] turn off local mode, [c] clear console, [x] to exit         │
▲ [WARNING] Source maps with "sections" are not supported [sections-in-source-map]

⎔ Starting a local server...
│ [b] open a browser, [d] open Devtools, [l] turn off local mode, [c] clear console, [x] to exit         │
[mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (0.54KiB)
[mf:inf] Listening on localhost:43843
[mf:inf] - 
[mf:inf] Updated `` object cache!
SCHD /cdn-cgi/mf/scheduled 200 OK (0.75ms)


pff who doesn't support sections these days


all browsers do so they should too 😉


it is weird though, I am calling the code but nothing is printed out, I will debug further


@U05224H0W can I watch a release configuration?


Sorry to come back on this, but is shadow.cljs.devtools.client.env/ globalThis an issue can be solved with an additional bundler? Working against the release code is a bit slow (7s every run before I can try new code)


if I comment out // shadow.cljs.devtools.client.env.module_loaded("backblaze-download-token-to-secrets"); Things seem to work - having a REPL is nice maybe I'll just go with that 😄


Well ok, the JS runtime also needs to be hooked up here and I see 🐉s there as well


Ok I guess I read this document and now at least I know more about the problem(s)


well as always. I cannot comment much without seeing actual code and actual errors. slack descriptions do not have enough information to make accurate guesses


I would assume watch is possible, but I'm unsure about what the actual issue is


shadow.cljs.devtools.client.env.module_loaded("backblaze-download-token-to-secrets"); should be find and I'm unsure why it wouldn't be


feel free to setup a repro and I can probably tell you more

❤️ 1

ok I'll create a repo with some code


@U05224H0W here it is, I hope things are going to work there, let me know if you find any issue


it's working with a bundler now and it all seems good, I could go for one module per worker and get rid of main.js but I am in the middle of something else now


I guess I'm missing what I'm supposed to do once wrangler is running?


after adjusting your config to eliminate all the esbuild etc stuff


I can run wrangler dev --local


backblaze-download-token-to-secrets$ wrangler dev --local
 :partly_sunny:️ wrangler 2.0.21
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
│ [b] open a browser, [d] open Devtools, [l] turn off local mode, [c] clear console, [x] to exit                                                                                                                           │
▲ [WARNING] Using direct eval with a bundler is not recommended and may cause problems [direct-eval]

      37984 │ return cljs.core.find_ns_obj_STAR_((function (){try{var ctxt = eval(cljs.core.first(segs));
            ╵                                                                ~~~~
⎔ Starting a local server...
│ [b] open a browser, [d] open Devtools, [l] turn off local mode, [c] clear console, [x] to exit                                                                                                                           │
Debugger listening on 
For help, see: 
Debugger attached.
[mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (2.40MiB)
[mf:wrn] Worker's uncompressed size exceeds the 1MiB limit! Note that your worker will be compressed during upload so you may still be able to deploy it.
[mf:inf] Listening on localhost:8787


so so me this looks like its working but no clue whats next


I mean is supposed to show something? all I get is a white page?


(ns cloudflare.workers
  (:require [cloudflare.workers.backblaze :as backblaze]))

(def exports
  #js {:fetch (fn [request]
                (js/Promise.resolve (js/Response. "Hello World.")))
       :scheduled backblaze/upload-download-token-to-secrets})


I get the expected Hello World. on http://localhost:8787/


dunno why you are doing all the esbuild stuff. I'm not gonna look at that


;; shadow-cljs configuration


 {:workers {:target :esm
            :output-dir "backblaze-download-token-to-secrets/out"
            :modules {:main
                      {:preloads [shadow.cljs.devtools.client.env]
                       :exports {default cloudflare.workers/exports}}}
            :compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es-next}
            :js-options {:entry-keys ["main" "module"]}
            :devtools {:enabled false}
            :release {:compiler-options {:source-map true}}}}}


thats the build config. I guess the :preloads is needed because of a bug


(which would be the module_loaded being emitted when it shouldn't be, due to :enabled false)


watch and release both work just fine then


Ok cool, don't worry about the esbuild stuff, it was there because I was fiddling with cljs.main as well


I think what I was missing was the :preloads then


well thats not required if you have :runtime :node but effectively that also does nothing


it just happens to include the env namespace but nothing else


REPL however I didn't get working

👍 1

Ok I am fine with watch only for now, thanks for your help, if you want me to try any build to get the REPL working I can also definitely do that


with cljs.main too there was no way to get the REPL running and I was only getting watch working with -O advanced


I have the wrangler thing working. just too tired to dive deeper into the REPL support now


but the wrangler command also always seems to restart everything when you make a change


so REPL doesn't really seem necessary or useful


I mean could always just run a browser-repl or node-repl I guess


> I have the wrangler thing working. just too tired to dive deeper into the REPL support now Of course no worries > I mean could always just run a browser-repl or node-repl I guess right, that probably would suffice, I'll try to see if it "sees" the wrangler runtime, probably now that will work


who sees what?


ah I see what you mean now, the node-repl would not need wrangler at all


(sorry it's been a while since I last used shadow-cljs)


When I quit from npx shadow-cljs browser-repl, I get this really long error report:

Failed to read: Input/output error
cljs.user=> Failed to read: Input/output error
cljs.user=> Failed to read: Input/output error
cljs.user=> Failed to read: Input/output error
cljs.user=> Failed to read: Input/output error
cljs.user=> Failed to read: Input/output error
cljs.user=> Worker shutdown.
I'm wondering if there is something wrong with my setup. Or is it possible to disable this output? It is not critical, just annoying that terminal gets spammed with 50+ lines.


how did you quit it? which OS is this? which shadow-cljs version? which java version? I've never seen this so dunno what would be causing it


Sorry for not providing all the info from the beginning. > how did you quit it? Ctrl + C > which OS is this? macOS Big Sur 11.6.1 > which shadow-cljs version? 2.19.6 > which java version? openjdk 17.0.1 2021-10-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.1+12-39) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.1+12-39, mixed mode, sharing)


hmm yeah dunno. I dont have a mac available with that version. versions all seem fine. I have no guesses as to what that may be


does it also happen if you exit with CTRL+D?


It doesn't happend with CTRL+D, though CTRL+D in itself works somewhat strange — I have to press them a few times to exit (no reaction on single pressing)


Another thing I noticed — this behavior is only produced when I start shadow server from scratch i.e. when there is no running server at the time I do shadow-cljs watch … In such a case it is not so annoying as I think I’m going to keep the server always on.