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Pepijn de Vos12:03:31

If I add as a dependency, how can I actually reference the svg files?


it is not javascript. so not with shadow-cljs.

Pepijn de Vos12:03:18

Ok, I'll just copy the SVGs, yolo


I am trying to build a cljs project into an npm module for import into a js project, I understand that using the :node-library may lead more fine grained control, but I haven't been able to get past the roadblock of the output of shadow for this project including e.g. var js = FS.readFileSync(filePath);. Am I missing some obvious control on how I would tell the compile job to output a node-library suitable for a browser env?


as the name should imply :node-library is intended to run in node


use :target :npm-module if you want to include in a webpack build or something like that


am I misinterpreting this guidance: > If you plan to distribute code on NPM, then you may want to use the :node-library instead since it allows for a finer level of control over exports and optimization. ?


well, technically speaking :node-library works too. just assumes the presence of node for compile and watch builds. release build will also work in the browser


but :target :npm-module with :runtime :browser will work more reliable and also with compile/watch


regardless of target. only release builds should actually be published


thanks @thheller. Is it possible to do a release build of either node-library or npm-module without minified function fields? I'm not publishing to npm now, i'm taking a very legacy cljs app and working on getting it behaving correctly in a js project, and as it is not yet behaving well, the console errors are difficult to debug with the minifed output.


you can use shadow-cljs release the-build --pseudo-names to make it easier

🙏 1

you can set :compiler-options {:optimizations :simple} but that'll make the build much much larger


yeah, unfortunately the webpack dev build of the js app was OOMing with non release optimizations


trying --pseudo-neames now


what kind of JS integration are you looking for? CLJS using JS code, JS code using CLJS or both?


Js using cljs


hmm yeah then npm-module is best I'd say


just include the external index in the webpack build (won't slow it down as much)


and then in the JS access the CLJS code via export'd globals


so (defn ^:export foo [] ...) is in JS


that way webpack doesn't touch the CLJS code at all though which might be good

Sam Ritchie17:03:28

does anyone have any clue why this is occurring for me, with a threejs load?

Sam Ritchie17:03:25

I am working on a better repro… basically I have some code that absolutely works with shadow-cljs: But then I try and use the code from a different project with more npm deps and I get this error. Those files definitely exist Vector3, Matrix4 , but something is weird about the way they’re written. what is causing the module$node_modules etc output?

Sam Ritchie17:03:20

in fact it seems like shadow loads it fine… there is just this error below

Sam Ritchie17:03:33

might have solved it from a SLACK search… gotta get used to that still…

Sam Ritchie18:03:03

mismatched shadow version caused it all 🙂