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Gokul Syam14:02:16

Hi @thheller, can you tell me where I’m supposed to be setting closure-defines option at?

Gokul Syam14:02:16

Here it’s not wrapped inside compiler-options, is that not necessary?


see sentence below this thread


can be directly in the build config or :compiler-options {:closure-defines ...}. both work

Gokul Syam14:02:02

I followed this -, and my config looks similar to it

Gokul Syam14:02:21

But CLOSURE_DEFINES is still coming up as undefined


CLOSURE_DEFINES should be of no concern to you. if you are trying to use it you are doing something incorrectly.


what is your :target build?


and you have a namespace with a goog-define?

Gokul Syam14:02:35

oh, I don’t

Gokul Syam15:02:07

But if I’m setting something from the Closure library, I don’t need to explicitly define that right?

Gokul Syam15:02:09

:closure-defines {goog.json.USE_NATIVE_JSON true}


yeah thats fine


looks fine to me

Gokul Syam15:02:40

Weird, I’ve added it inside builds and even in every individual profile, still no luck


should be in {:builds {:build-id {:target :browser :closure-defines {goog.json.USE_NATIVE_JSON true}}} in shadow-cljs.edn

Gokul Syam15:02:00

Yep, just checked, I’m able to find it there

Gokul Syam15:02:51

Just to confirm, I’m checking for CLOSURE_DEFINES in the browser, if it’s undefined then that means it was not configured properly right?


again CLOSURE_DEFINES is of no concern. it is an implementation detail. forget it exists.


please instead describe what you are actually doing


you have a :target :browser build


you are loading in a HTML page somewhere?


you have a REPL into that page for the build?


it is running in an actual browser. directly without any other build tools post processing it in any way? meaning you are loading the output actually produced by shadow-cljs, not something else.

Gokul Syam15:02:14

The way that it’s configured is using lein with shadow-cljs

Gokul Syam15:02:36

I’m actually very new to Clojure and especially the tooling so my apologies if that’s not what you were asking for

Gokul Syam15:02:06

I’m building an uberjar with lein uberjar-app

Gokul Syam15:02:18

:uberjar-app {:prep-tasks [["shadow" "release" "app"]

Gokul Syam15:02:11

“app” is the build-id


ok that does a release of the app build


exactly. I assume that is a standard :advanced build. this will be optimized and no traces of the CLOSURE_DEFINES will be left. so you definitely cannot look that up there


(assuming you actually set it for the release build and not just dev)


but point is looking it up manually via CLOSURE_DEFINES in release builds is not possible


you can do in watch or compile but not release

Gokul Syam15:02:06

I was able to see it in dev so I figured the same would be possible in release as well

Gokul Syam15:02:28

okay got it, but yea I’m setting it in release as well


the closure compiler will inline the value you set and then optimized


so looking up the result is kinda difficult 😛


why do you think it isn't working?

Gokul Syam15:02:40

the whole purpose is to prevent closure compiler from using eval methods

Gokul Syam15:02:56

cause I have a content-security-policy configured to block all eval methods

Gokul Syam15:02:47

I found out online that this is the flag that actually prevents it from using eval


it should already use JSON.parse if thats available? so it won't use eval if that is available?

Gokul Syam15:02:48

Hmm doesnt seem to be the case, CSP is still flagging methods for using eval in the compiled script


you can compile shadow release app --debug. that'll give you source maps and use pseudo names


that should make it much easier to find out where exactly eval is used

Gokul Syam15:02:43

oh awesome, i’ll try that

Gokul Syam15:02:00

been banging my head at this for hours, thank you for some direction


(it should also allow verifying the closure define actually did something


pseudo names renames stuff


so goog.json should be $goog$json


just look for that in the source code