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Janne Sauvala17:05:12

Hi, I’m trying get the CLJS bootstrap repl to work via shadow.cljs.bootstrap.node. I was checking the post here for some tips. When I try to eval something I get

[:result {:error #error {:message "Could not eval [test]", :data {:tag :cljs/analysis-error}, :cause #error {:message nil, :data {:clojure.error/source nil, :clojure.error/line 1, :clojure.error/column 1, :clojure.error/phase :compilation}, :cause #error {:message "Cannot read property 'findInternedVar' of null at line 1 ", :data {:file nil, :line 1, :column 1, :tag :cljs/analysis-error}, :cause #object[TypeError TypeError: Cannot read property 'findInternedVar' of null]}}}}]
Can you see if there is something wrong with my configs or code:

Janne Sauvala17:05:44


require these:
[cljs.js :as cljs]
[cljs.env :as env]
[shadow.cljs.bootstrap.node :as shadow.bootstrap]
(defn print-result [{:keys [error value] :as result}]
  (prn [:result result]))

(def code "(+ 1 2)")

(defonce compile-state-ref (env/default-compiler-env))

(defn compile-it []
   {:eval cljs/js-eval
    :load (partial shadow.bootstrap/load compile-state-ref)}

(shadow.bootstrap/init compile-state-ref
                       {:path "out/extension/bootstrap"}


Janne Sauvala17:05:08

And shadow-cljs.edn build section:

{:dev {:target :node-library
       :output-to "out/extension/extension.js"
       :output-dir "out/extension"
       :exports-var prode.extension/exports
       :devtools {:repl-pprint true}
       :compiler-options {:source-map-detail-level :all
                          :output-wrapper false
                          :optimizations :simple}}

 :bootstrap {:target :bootstrap
             :output-dir "out/extension/bootstrap"
             :entries [cljs.js]
             :macros []
             :exclude #{cljs.js}
             :compiler-options {:warnings {:infer false}
                                :optimizations :simple}}}


You can't do this (compile-it) until the above init has completed


so you are just calling it too early


init will already call it when its done

Janne Sauvala18:05:41

I moved calling that function inside a comment block and evaluated it from there. This gives me the same error message. If shadow.bootstrap/init is going to run the compile-it, where should I see the result (it’s not printed to the REPL)?

Janne Sauvala18:05:12

I changed the call-back function to a new function that would print something, and now I see some errors in the node-env’s (it is actually a vscode debug instance) logs something

[2021-05-01 21:53:18.838] [renderer11] [error] transit-load failed: Error: transit-load failed
    at new cljs$core$ExceptionInfo (/Users/janne/Dev/clojure/prode/out/extension/cljs-runtime/cljs/core.cljs:11455:1)
    at Function.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (/Users/janne/Dev/clojure/prode/out/extension/cljs-runtime/cljs/core.cljs:11484:1)
    at Function.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 (/Users/janne/Dev/clojure/prode/out/extension/cljs-runtime/cljs/core.cljs:11484:1)
    at ReadFileContext.callback (/Users/janne/Dev/clojure/prode/out/extension/cljs-runtime/shadow/cljs/bootstrap/node.cljs:38:9)
    at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterOpen [as oncomplete] (fs.js:265:13)
    at FSReqCallback.callbackTrampoline (internal/async_hooks.js:120:14)


well you removed a couple things from the config


so I'm guessing your server isn't setup correctly


by default it expects to load stuff from /bootstrap


but seems like you are loading it in node?


oh right I missed that


I'm guessing your paths aren't quite right?

Janne Sauvala20:05:16

I won’t rule that option out 😄 I have been trying with different paths but I haven’t been able to find a working setup. The dev-build output the build stuff to out/extension and the output is inside that one out/extension/bootstrap. Did you mean that bootstrap should go actually on the same level as the out folder (project root)?


:path "out/extension/bootstrap"


how do you run the stuff anyways? from "extension" I gather its not regular node?

Janne Sauvala20:05:25

This is something I have been experimenting. To create a VSCode extension that would execute cljs via the bootstrap repl. So the output js is loaded to vscode as an extension


hmm yeah no clue if the bootstrap.node will work there

Janne Sauvala20:05:57

it could work like a normal node env but it might have some differences. Maybe I try to get this working in normal node first. Then I can check if everything is okay on vscode side


maybe you need a similar path/resolve call

Janne Sauvala20:05:03

Yea, I could try that

Janne Sauvala20:05:38

That worked! I removed the :path and it is working 🙂

👍 3
Janne Sauvala20:05:51

So many thanks for the help 🙂


Hi. I have an Expo app that I just ejected to bare workflow, so now it's plain React Native. I am wondering what is the best way to create an App.js in my directory. Can I automate it with shadow-cljs?


NVM, I figured it out. I need to point shadow-cljs.edn to the. App/ build dir.


sorry I don't have a clue what an ejected app looks like