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Chris O’Donnell21:12:37

Anyone have an idea why I'm getting this warning?

Warning :infer-warning in rocks/mygiftlist/http_remote.cljs at 106:8

Cannot infer target type in expression (. inst_93897 (setResponseType inst_93951))

 103 |      (fn transmit! [{:keys [active-requests]}
 104 |                     {::txn/keys [ast result-handler update-handler]
 105 |                      :as        send-node}]
 106 |        (go (let [edn              (eql/ast->query ast)
 107 |                  ok-handler       (fn [result]
 108 |                                     (try
 109 |                                       (result-handler result)
 110 |                                       (catch :default e
Full source is at The error message seems to reference, which is already hinted.