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Anyone using shadow-cljs with react-native? In my project every time I make a change to a cljs file it will update quickly (using Fast Refresh I assume?), but then a couple seconds later it will rebuild/re-download the bundle.


I’m wondering if there’s some configuration I can change, or a different way to set up the project that will avoid the re-downloading every time


you need to turn off all react-native reloading


no clue how to do that but it interferes with the reloading shadow-cljs does


i see, i’ll give it shot thanks

Eric Ihli22:01:03

I ran into this problem. Ctrl-M in the emulator brought up the menu for me where I could disable fast-refresh.

Eric Ihli22:01:13

If you're new to CLJS/RN like I am, I made a repo with a single commented file that has the bare-minimum setup. It helped me and if you're new too you might find it useful.


@UJP37GW2K you never require devtools.core. if you need it you add it to your build config :devtools {:preloads [devtools.preload]}


otherwise it'll be included in your release bbuilds

Pavel Klavík21:01:44

Hi, I am trying to make TextInput from Material-ui working within our project, where the problem was reported by my colleagues couple days back: We require this:

["@material-ui/core/TextField" :default TextField]
We get the following error in the console:
js.js:74 shadow-cljs - failed to load module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$SelectInput
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:74
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$Select @ Select.js:21
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$index @ index.js:16
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$TextField @ TextField.js:37
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$index @ index.js:16
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow.js.require @ js.js:100
(anonymous) @ orgpad.client.views.widgets.text_field.js:3
js.js:74 shadow-cljs - failed to load module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$Select
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:74
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$index @ index.js:16
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$TextField @ TextField.js:37
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$index @ index.js:16
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow.js.require @ js.js:100
(anonymous) @ orgpad.client.views.widgets.text_field.js:3
js.js:74 shadow-cljs - failed to load module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$index
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:74
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$TextField @ TextField.js:37
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$index @ index.js:16
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow.js.require @ js.js:100
(anonymous) @ orgpad.client.views.widgets.text_field.js:3
js.js:74 shadow-cljs - failed to load module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$TextField
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:74
shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$index @ index.js:16
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:66
shadow.js.require @ js.js:100
(anonymous) @ orgpad.client.views.widgets.text_field.js:3
js.js:74 shadow-cljs - failed to load module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$index
shadow.js.jsRequire @ js.js:74
shadow.js.require @ js.js:100
(anonymous) @ orgpad.client.views.widgets.text_field.js:3
js.js:75 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isRequired' of undefined
    at Object.shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$SelectInput (SelectInput.js:453)
    at shadow.js.jsRequire (js.js:66)
    at Object.shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$Select (Select.js:21)
    at shadow.js.jsRequire (js.js:66)
    at Object.shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$Select$index (index.js:16)
    at shadow.js.jsRequire (js.js:66)
    at Object.shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$TextField (TextField.js:37)
    at shadow.js.jsRequire (js.js:66)
    at Object.shadow$provide.module$node_modules$$material_ui$core$TextField$index (index.js:16)
    at Object.shadow.js.jsRequire (js.js:66)
It was suggested that the problem is with a conflict of dependencies. Any ideas how to do debugging?

Pavel Klavík21:01:38

these are all the dependencies we currently use:

"dependencies": {
  "@material-ui/core": "^4.8.0",
  "bezier-js": "^2.4.4",
  "create-react-class": "^15.6.3",
  "deps": "^0.1.2",
  "process": "^0.11.10",
  "react": "^16.12.0",
  "react-dom": "^16.12.0",
  "react-motion": "^0.5.2",
  "webfontloader": "^1.6.28"


quick look at the code suggest prop-types is the problematic package


check which one material-ui expects and which one you have in node_modules/prop-types


might go deeper than that package too


can't really tell where the isRequired is supposed to be coming from


or rather it is trying default.isRequired and default is undefined

Pavel Klavík21:01:02

in the minimal working example, we have "[email protected]"


I also have 15.7.2


you can also check node_modules/@material-ui/core/node_modules


thats usually a clue if there are packages in there


shadow-cljs doesn't read those

Pavel Klavík21:01:03

ya, there is on

Pavel Klavík21:01:26

so what is the solution? adding this dependency directly into our project?


no clue. might be.


material-ui is one of those packages that constantly breaks

Pavel Klavík21:01:21

I have tested to add it and it runs fine 🙂


I really wouldn't recommend using it

Pavel Klavík21:01:07

hmm, what are the alternatives? we basically want to get reasonable UI elements without spending much time with it

Pavel Klavík21:01:32

anyway, thx a lot for help, I will have to learn to read JS packages better

Pavel Klavík21:01:45

hopefully we get everything running soon

Pavel Klavík21:01:30

how the npm modules have versions chosen? why did we got the older version for prop-types?


its a common package. some other package you installed also depended on the older version


npm list or something shows all installed packages

Pavel Klavík21:01:10

why is not the largest needed version installed? it seems that also react and react-motion depended on it


don't ask me .. I don't know how they handle this anymore

Pavel Klavík22:01:17

ok, complexity lurks everywhere out there 🙂 anyway thx a lot


Hi Folks, wondering if anyone has by chance tried using Rete.js with shadow-cljs?


I'm trying shadow-cljs out for the first time and hoping to use this lib. Installs fine via npm but when I try to require and use as in the examples the object import is empty


I can import other deps from node which are installed in the project just fine


From what I can see the library is a TS project using Rollup.js and ES


So in short, hoping someone has tips in using an npm lib using babel, ts and rollup.js (most of which I generally understand but don't have experience with)


@UQR2E9W15 Hi! I’m setting up shadow-cljs with monaco-editor and rollup.js too. Change the config a little bit and that will work with typescript. Maybe it can help you.


Hey @U1EQNSHL4 thanks so much for the tip! I ended up getting around rollup etc. by requiring the min file directly like so:

["rete/build/rete.min.js" :as rete]