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Hi, I am trying to produce a docker image that contains the release build artifact in drone ci. While attempting to run shadow-cljs release I get the following. Any hints?

[:app] Compiling ...
The command '/bin/sh -c cd my-app; clojure -A:shadow release app' returned a non-zero code: 137


I can produce the docker image while on my laptop FWIW


137 is OOM typically


and likely drone ci is running docker in docker.


which does not run any sort of overlay, but rather a virtual FS that has exponential memory growth, which is fine, you just need to be aware of it


so a couple options @iku000888


1) you increase RAM if you can, especially while using DIND


2) use a daemonless image builder. there's a few out there - kaniko, buildah, jig (JVM), makisu (i'm partial to makisu) 3) mount the host's docker socket, which is not always viable on hosted services


there's a few other tools there too


we can discuss more in #devops #cloud-native if you'd like, this is my day to day fun 😄


@gerred Thanks! This is really helpful. Will dig a little bit more.


@iku000888 you can cap the memory used by the JVM via :jvm-opts ["-Xmx1G"] in shadow-cljs.edn. if you need I could add other ways to add that so you don't need to put it into the config


Oooh that is also something I did not look into


Thanks, will look into that as well 😉

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka15:09:46

Hello, I would like to use debux ( in my project but I was wondering how I can specify dependencies depending on the context (dev vs release).

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka15:09:44

As per the documentation, [philoskim/debux "0.5.6"] should be used in dev code and [philoskim/debux-stubs "0.5.6"] in production code

Mandimby Raveloarinjaka15:09:40

FYI, for the moment, I ended up adding [philoskim/debux "0.5.6"] in my dependencies but I made sure to only use the provided macros in a repl/comment context so that the code never get required in the release